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Hi :)
mention of a fictional shooting and use of swear words 



"Don't stop me now..."

"'Cause I'm having a good time."

"Don't stop me now..."

"Yes, I'm havin' a good time."

"I don't want to stop at all."

Hayes flung open the master bedroom door, scaring her two brothers half to death. "Please stop, for the love of God, my ears are bleeding."

"Hey, get out!"

"You're not allowed in the bros' room!"

"Sounds more like the girls' room!" Hayes laughed, which quickly turned into a mix of screaming laughter as Glen suddenly came charging at her. Glen snagged the back of her uniform shirt up near the collar before she could run very far, making her rebound back to him. She began coughing from the excitement as her arms waved around to catch her balance. But clumsy as always, their feet got tangled up as Glen accidently tripped her, the two of them collapsing to the ground in a heap of blonde hair. At least it was carpeted flooring to soften their fall.

Hayes tried crawling out from underneath Glen but she was laughing too hard to put any real muscular effort behind her movement.

Glen flopped over onto his back so now he laid flat on top of his sister, slowly crushing the breath out of her.

"Holy fucking shit, shut the fuck up!" Dakota yelled from his bedroom, all the way at the other side of the horseshoe hallway.

Grumpy pants.

They all ignored him.

"Get off," Hayes squirmed, feeling completely helpless and at Glen's disposal as he outweighed her by a lot.

"Nah, I'm quite comfortable," Glen laced his hands behind his head, stretching out his long legs as he had the nerve to use the back of her head for his pillow.

"Get off, get off, get off," Hayes repeated, kicking her shoes against the carpet in a tantrum.

Glen laughed, smirking at Francis when he finally sauntered out of their bedroom into the hall. He was tucking his school shirt into his beige pants, still rocking the disheveled look with his collar flipped upward like a vampire and shirt unbuttoned. "Dude, what took you so long?"

"I missed a freaking loop so I had to fix my belt all over again," Francis replied, crouching down at Hayes' head. "Hi Sissy, don't you seem to be in quite the pickle."

"Francis, help," Hayes begged, tilting her chin upward so he could see her pout.

"Why would I? You were just laughing at us, were you not?" He crossed his arms, keeping his balance on the balls of his feet.

Hayes burst out laughing again, thinking about her brothers full-out singing a duo together as they were getting ready for school. Their creativity for entertainment had skyrocketed in the less than 24 hours without any technology to distract them.

Before barging in, she had pushed the bedroom door open a slither to watch the concert.

It was priceless!

Such a shame that she couldn't record it since Austin hadn't returned their phones yet for the school day. What a missed golden opportunity for blackmail.

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