11. Bargain Bros

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Today is the day to meet Kaito and our other mystery classmate.

I hope that this classmate isn't like Rantaro.

I made it to the mall, and waited in front of the clock tower outside just like Kaito suggested. Just as I sat on the bench, Kaito and his friend walked up to me. The guy next to Kaito was shorter than him, around my height; with pale blonde hair that looked white in the sun. He had a nerdier disposition- but still looked painfully familiar.

"SHUICHI!!!! Hey man!" Kaito ran up to me, and gave me a punch on the arm "This is Kiibo- he's in our homeroom! He's an antisocial one though, can you believe I had to bribe him with lunch to come out?" Kaito chuckled as the guy rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

"I am Kiibo Hashimoto- I am the Ultimate Robotics Engineer. And I'm NOT antisocial.... I'm busy. Something Kaito wouldn't understand." The guy wore a smug expression on his face as Kaito could've had steam coming out of his ears.

"Oh-ho ho I'm sorry my talent comes more naturally to me, you just don't like the grind involved in yours!" Kaito boomed as Kiibo laughed, " And yes that pun was intended!"

"As much as I appreciate the pun, you are sorely mistaken. The grind as you call it is what gives me the thrill. The feeling I get when a project is completed? It is unmatched to anything else I'll ever experience in this life! Just wait until my latest project is complete! Will YOU be able to say you made a robotic clone of yourself- I think NOT!" Kiibo cackled as we started walking into the mall.

The mall was huge; labeled as one of the biggest in Tokyo, having any kind of shop you could really think of.

"Alright gang, do you guys want to shop for anything specific? I need to grab Makiroll some anniversary gifts!" Kaito shot us a thumbs up, smiling like a little kid who just got candy.

"Wow, I didn't realize it's been a year already. I can't get past that one time you tried to kiss her and she decked you," Kiibo chuckled briefly, "but yeah, I need to go to the tech store."

"I just wanna make a stop at the bookstore to be honest, other than that I'm just here for the adventure." I chimed in. I was pretty flexible, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself. Kaito is always a blast to be around, and despite not knowing Kiibo too well I also enjoyed his company.

First stops were Kaito's, visiting various women's boutiques.... But coming out within 5 minutes each time.

"Kaito, how on earth are you able to shop for a woman so easily?" Kiibo said incredulously. I had to admit, I was curious myself. Shopping for my mom was always a hassle, and I know shopping for a girlfriend would be waaay different..... but sheesh.... Shopping for women in general is a chore!

"Easy," Kaito chuckled while he rubbed his hands together "You take your woman to the mall, see what they like or look at, and come back the next day and put it on hold!" Kaito was a frickin genius!.... or so I thought.

"And if she already bought it?" Kiibo pressed. He was good.

" Well, typically if she bought it, I'd see her wearing it or see it in her room." Kaito replied casually, as Kiibo's and I's jaw dropped.

Seeing a girl's bedroom? BEING IN A GIRL'S BEDROOM?!

Obviously Kiibo and I were on the same page, as Kiibo stopped in his tracks. "YOU'VE BEEN IN HER BEDROOM?!" the reaction to Kiibo's question was priceless

"Well yeah, we've slept in the same bed too." Kaito said nonchalantly.

"THERE'S NO WAY THAT'S TRUE! HOW UNPURE! IM ASHAMED... AND A LITTLE JEALOUS!" Kiibo was officially going crazy, rubbing his temples and walking at a faster pace than either of us.

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