FERAL: chapter twenty-five

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A groan escapes my lips as I lean against the wall

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A groan escapes my lips as I lean against the wall. It had been a week since I woke up in this place and so far, every day they've been giving me daily injections. I didn't know what exactly they were injecting into my body but I knew it couldn't be anything good based off the pain it caused.

My thoughts move to Onyx and the pack. They had to be trying to find me by now, right? I just had to hold on a little longer and then i'd be back with my mate and pack.

I'd be able to see Onyx and we would be able to have a normal life. I'd be there for Foster when his baby was born just as I had been for Gray when Layne was. I'd go back home, I had to hold on to that belief.

The thought of going home soon was the only thing getting me through these injections. If I stopped believing in going home, I don't know what would happen to me.

The door begins to open and I glare at it. Dexter isn't here but the other man- who still didn't know the name of- was. He walked in with his usual smile on his face, followed by the old woman from earlier.

He lets out a whistle as he stares at me. "You're not looking too good, Beta."

A grin falls on his face and he makes his way over to me. "You look like you're about to keel over at any moment."

I growl when he runs his hands through my hair before gripping it. "Just imagine, if you would've let Glassman do his damn job, you wouldn't be here right now."

But Onyx would.

The idea of Onyx having to go through this bothered me. Knowing that it would he the second time for him broke my heart. If Onyx was safe then that was the only thing that mattered to me.

"I don't regret anything," I tell him honestly.

The man shakes his head at me. "So heroic of you, Beta. Let's see if you'll be saying the same thing after we're done."

The man moved back and the woman came forward. Similar to before, she froze my movements and began to inject me once again. I wondered how she even got involved with Dexter and this other man.

"What do you even get out of this?" I ask her weakly as two more wolves entered the room.

She ignores my question and pockets the now empty syringe before pulling out another one with green liquid inside. My brows furrow at this, they usually only used one.

"It's time," she tells the man behind her.

Before I can try to open my mouth and ask what she means, the two wolves move to me and grab my arms. I try to push them away but their grip only tightens the more I try.

The woman quickly pierces my skin and I feel the liquid invade my body. It's almost immediately followed by a pain- one much worse than the usual. A groan escapee my lips as I try to grab my neck. The wolves refuse to let up, causing me to have to endure the pain.

My vision becomes blurry and similar to before, I'm surrounded by darkness. When I come to, the wolves who had previously held my body were now laying on the floor- dead. Pools if blood laid under them and I noticed that the man and woman were both gone also.

The pounding sensation stays in the back of my head and the door opens again. The man takes a look around the room before he lets out a laugh. He walks up to me and pats my head as if I was some pet.

"You'll be perfect," he says. "Just perfect."

His words don't completely register as I still stare at the dead bodies.

Did I do that?

My stomach churns at the idea. I don't want to believe that I could've done this- I couldn't have.

"How long before he's complete, Doctor?"

I didn't even realize that the woman had returned. She came up to me, completely unbothered by the dead bodies, and grabbed my face. She stared into my eyes for a minute, as if she was searching for something, before backing up and turning to the man.

"Three more weeks, it may take longer with him being of beta blood though."

Three more weeks for what?

What were they doing to me?

The man nods before he turns to the door and grips the handle.

"He's perfect," he says once again. "When Dexter gets back, i'll have to tell him thank you for being a useless bastard. Even though he couldn't manage to recapture one wolf, I got something better."

He leaves and the woman backs away before going to the door. Noticing i'm still staring at the bodies, she laughs quietly.

"They won't be there for long. Soon enough, you'll even get used to seeing them."

I would never get used to them- I'd die before that happened.

The woman leaves and I glance up at the ceiling. My heart beats quickly and I squeeze my eyes shut as the smell of blood grows stronger. I try to calm myself down but nothing was working.

What the hell is happening to me?

Something about me was changing and it scared me.

"You're going to be okay, Gaius," I tried to tell myself but deep down, I didn't know if I truly believed that anymore.

Even if I did manage to get out of here, would I ever be the same?

Even if I did manage to get out of here, would I ever be the same?

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