Absolute chaos

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"You useless mistake of a child!" The headmaster sneered as he lashed out another whip. A blood curled cry escaped the mouth of Atsushi's tiny body. "No one will ever love you!" Said the headmaster, his voice spine-chilling. "Shut up," Atsushi heard himself say. He received a glare from the headmaster, yet the scene shifted before he could take any action.
He was pacing up to black, rusty gates. The wind was freezing his lungs and his heart was pounding loudly. He glanced back at the orphanage, which he assumed he was leaving when he froze. A trail of blood made its way to Atsushi's shoes, and the blood became clearer as he got close to the orphanage. The pounding in his chest got louder while voices swarmed around him. "Your fault!" They cry and yell. Atsushi covered his ears and eyes. He wanted to get away. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. Everything got cold.

Atsushi took a sharp breath as his amber eyes shot open. His body was tense and it ached. After blinking several times, and staring at the ceiling for a bit, his vision got less blurry. How strange, he doesn't recognise this ceiling at all. His memory was hazy from the night before.
Atsushi sat up, a bad idea. His brain felt like sensitive jelly. He pressed his hands onto his head in a desperate attempt to decrease the pain. After his head stopped flipping, he scanned his surroundings. He was in an apartment, way bigger than his own apartment, it all looked quite modern. He saw a kitchen up ahead, with many fancy gadgets. Behind him were a lot of books, placed neatly on wooden bookshelves. What did he do again..?

Oh, right! He was shopping for Dazai! He was on his way... and then he fell asleep? Atsushi's eyebrows furrowed. So he fainted. A cough escaped his mouth as he got more awake. Behind him, he heard a doorknob twist, so he stared awaitingly, ready to apologise for the trouble he had caused. That train of thoughts stopped once he got eye contact with none other than the person that wanted to kill him; Akutagawa. "Jinko," Were the first things he somewhat growled towards the other. "A-Akutagawa!?" Atsushi yelped, "What... How...?" Atsushi stumbled over his own words. Instead of glaring at each other, Akutagawa walked up to the kitchen and boiled some hot water. Atsushi watched in silence as the other made green tea. Whilst the tea got poured into two cups, the ice got broken by Akutagawa, "Next time you faint, don't do it near the grocery store, idiot," He tisked. He walked up to Atsushi with the cups in his hands. Without a word, he gave Atsushi a cup and sat down on a stool.

"Why did you even faint? I thought the agency was so "good" as you said," He began, his eyes had many thoughts behind them as they observed Atsushi. "Ah, my bad... I'll get out of your apartment," Atsushi sighed as he tried to stand up, only to be pushed back by Akutagawa, "No, I'd rather you won't fall onto my new carpet. And I still have questions to ask you," He frowned. "Why did you help me?" Atsushi began to ask as his fingers slightly trembled around the warm cup. "I'm the one to kill you, now a stupid sickness nor a car that didn't see you," Akutagawa said, crossing his arms. Atsushi nodded at that, finding it a strange yet logical explanation. "Well then, why were you missing for about two weeks? Dazai-san had to do your work because you were gone, you know?" Akutagawa said in an accusatory tone, more or less annoying Atsushi.
"As if I never had to do his work..." Atsushi silently commented, "But I was on a mission, undercover. So, I had the right to be away for two weeks!" Atsushi explained, hoping it was also the only thing he'd have to explain to the mafia's dog. Unfortunately, the mafioso watched expectantly for Atsushi to elaborate. "It went wrong, but no one else got hurt! I don't think you'll care," Atsushi avoided talking about the rest. "Is this somehow related to what's in the newspapers?" Akutagawa held up a newspaper with a huge headline saying; "Forest Turned Into Terrifying Maze" with a picture under it of a half-destroyed forest. Atsushi shuddered at the damage he'd caused. "I assume that's a yes," Akutagawa said as he folded the newspaper neatly. "This ability user... He trapped me into that maze alone, surviving without supplies in a dangerous jungle," Atsushi's hands were shaking a bit from the memory. "How'd you get out then? What took you so long to do so?" Akutagawa said with a bit of sass. "Well geez, I don't know!" Atsushi coughed in his sleeve. "The tiger was probably taking over to hunt for a prey as we hadn't eaten, but my guess is that my tiger killed the ability user instead," Atsushi wondered why he was sharing these details with his rival, what kind of friendly chit-chat were they having? "Explains how easy it was to lift you up this time, you're rather heavy normally, you know?" Akutagawa stood up as he had drank all the tea. "I'm not heavy!" Atsushi tried to sound tough but his hoarse voice didn't really help. Atsushi felt the need to leave, not wanting to annoy his enemy longer, but he still got pulled back. "How am I sure you won't embarrass yourself out there again? You aren't better you know," Akutagawa reasoned to the pale Jinko. "Is Kyouka at your apartment?" Aku asked, to which Atsushi replied, "No, why?" He asked. "No? Then I will text Kyouka with your phone that you're going to stay at someone's house and that you're sick so you stay here," Akutagawa concluded. Atsushi had no good argument against it. "But why? You want to kill me right?" Atsushi asked. "Shut up Jinko, your questions are going to make me sick," Akutagawa sneered. "I'll be right back, don't touch a thing," He warned as he disappeared behind a white door.

Instead of doing just as he was instructed, he stood up. A wave of dizziness washed over him once he did so. What a stupid headache. Carefully, he tiptoed over to the front door, or so it must have been. His shoes were neatly put in front of the door, even if they were tattered and dirty. He got them as well, he just needed to get out of the apartment. His fingers grasped the doorknob when a voice behind him scared his soul out of his body; "Jinko, you can't even listen to one thing I tell you?" Akutagawa exhaled as Rashoumon wrapped itself around Atsushi and tugged him back. "H-hEY!" He yelped as he was practically thrown on the couch again. "Lucky for you, I was able to text Kyouka," Akutagawa crossed his arms bossily. "But I'll be fine!" Atsushi waved it off. "Fine? You won't be going anywhere, you're sick and I'm willing to bet you won't rest on your own," Akutagawa made a point. "That's not your concern, is it?" Atsushi said stubbornly. "You could have prevented that if you actually took care of yourself for once!" Akutagawa growled back. Atsushi didn't want to argue back, this was Akutagawa's apartment after all.

Before they knew it, they were looking for movies to watch on a huge television. "What kind of movie would you like to watch?" Akutagawa asked as he zapped between movies. "I don't know, I like mystery movies? Or series?" Atsushi shrugged as he looked at the number of movies Akutagawa had access to. The mafia certainly paid their followers way more than the ADA did. "This one it is," Akutagawa chose a movie, a classic detective movie. Atsushi's head was still fuzzy and he felt weak and tired, but it was surprisingly nice to watch a movie with the person who wanted to kill him.

The awkward silence soon replaced itself with a comfortable one, with comments and arguments throughout the film.


Gin had assassinated a small gang with Higuchi, and as fun as it was to hang out with her, Gin was exhausted. "Say hi to Akutagawa-senpai for me!!" Higuchi waved her last goodbyes to Gin as they parted ways.
As she arrived at her apartment, she heard two people yelling, one of them belonging to her brother which means the other one, the one that sounded hoarse, must have been the weretiger. She quietly entered the kitchen, listening to the bickering of the two. Her brother and his enemy were watching a thriller in awe; "No, he's definitely the one behind it!" Akutagawa argued. "What! Didn't you see the way the other one reacted?!" Atsushi argued back, a small cough escaping both their mouths. Gin smiled at the way they interacted, mostly how Akutagawa acted more like himself.

After a little more listening, Gin made her entrance from the kitchen, surprising the two. "Gin, welcome back," Akutagawa straightened himself and separated himself a bit more from the tiger, whereas the tiger avoided eye contact. "How formal, brother," Gin mumbled to her brother. She rarely spoke so freely around guests, even if they were friends, yet she had less trouble talking with that detective around, how funny.

Akutagawa joined Gin in the kitchen, as she got herself a drink. "So, I suppose I'll make soup for three?" Gin eyed her brother. "I suppose... I don't know? He's not going to take care of himself anyway..." Akutagawa murmured. "Well, watching thrillers isn't going to help him either. He looks tired instead of any better, I get that you want friends..." Gin didn't get to finish her sentence before Akutagawa interrupted her, "No, I'll cure him and then kick him out," He said determinedly. Sometimes Gin's brother was really a hopeless idiot. "O-kay then... I'll make some tomato soup," Gin rummaged through the cabinets to find supplies. She had a feeling her brother was finally bonding with another person, but he doesn't want to realise it.

He went to buy some groceries, came back with a weretiger Where stories live. Discover now