Unique logo

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Jungkook's bright and clear eyes showed Taehyung's reflection. His eyes were sincere with nothing to hide. This made Taehyung wonder if he had mistaken him. He raised his hand and use his index finger to tap Jungkook's temple softly. He said, "Maybe you're too stressed out. Rest well." As he spoke, he turned to leave.

Jungkook suddenly embraced him from behind, twining his long arms around Taehyung's body like vines.

He leaned next to its ear and whispered, "Taehyung, I want—"

"Don't even think about it! Rogue!"

"I want to pass you your New Year present." Here, Jungkook paused. His voice was a little puzzled. "That's roguish?"


Jungkook grinned. He asked deliberately, "What did you think I meant? What weird ideas are you holding towards me? You rogue."

Taehyung stretched his arm behind him and rubbed Jungkook's dog's head gently. "Getting bolder, are we? Heh." His laugh was sinister.

Jungkook did not take the joke too far. He released Taehyung, walked over to the wardrobe, and fished out a black, palm-sized box from it. The box was slim and the right size to fit into an overcoat's pocket.

"New Year's present." He held the box out to Taehyung. As he did so, a faint smile lingered softly in his eyes as willow branches swayed in the spring breeze.

Taehyung could not help acknowledging how perfect the current lighting and atmosphere were. Standing there like this, Jungkook looked kind of delicious. Taehyung hurriedly took his eyes off him, took the box, and opened it with fast fingers.

The exterior of the stiff, black paper box was embossed with a silver logo that he did not recognize. He did not think much of it and when he opened the box, he saw a pair of gloves lying inside.

It was not an ordinary pair of gloves. Rather, it was a pair of gloves meant for speed skating. The gloves were pure-white and made of cut-resistant materials. On the back of the gloves was a somewhat familiar-looking pattern drawn in pink lines.


Taehyung held up the gloves and scrutinized them. After he did that, he took a second look at the gift box and discovered that the two patterns were the same.

"What is this brand? I don't think I've seen it before?" Taehyung was puzzled.

Jungkook rubbed Kim's head. "Idiot. Take a closer look."

Thus, Taehyung looked at the pattern again. The lines of the pattern were clean and elegant. He looked at it with the same focus as when doing his assignments. After a while, he finally realized something.

"A letter 'J' and a letter 'K'. And here, is this a heart?"


"J, Jeon. K, Kim..." Taehyung halted and twisted his head to look at Jungkook.

The smile still in his eyes, Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung was deeply moved. He felt his eyes dampen and using his fingers to trace the pattern carefully, he asked. "Did you design this?"

"I asked someone majoring in art at our school to design this." After saying this, he added, "A guy."

Taehyung was originally so moved that he was about to cry. However, when he heard this, he burst into laughter. "No one asked about his gender."

"I want to clarify even if you didn't ask." Jungkook pointed to the pattern. "From now on, this is our unique logo."


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