Chapter 19

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We made it to the location Lyles had told us about in two hours. He and a few of my other warriors were waiting for us a few miles from the site.

We met and made plans for how we would proceed before making the trek.

"Are you sure this is it?" I asked a confused Lyles.


"Then where are the rogues?"

We had just gotten to the sight and while there was a faint scent left by the rogues, there was nothing else. No rogues and no tracks.

"They were clearly here at one point," I addressed my warriors. "Let's sweep the area and look for any signs of where they might be."

I got a chorus of "yes Your Majesty" and everyone spread out.

I went to the southwest quadrant, but there was nothing. I growled in frustration. How could they have slipped through our fingers like this?

"Brenden!" Max called and I ran over to him.

"What did you find?"

My Beta handed me a small slip of paper.

You'd think the big, tough Alpha King would have some brains under the crown, guess not.
"Where did you find this?"

Max showed me were it had been pinned to a tree. It was left here for us. This was a trap.

But if it was, then shouldn't there be rogues attacking us from somewhere?



I tried mindlinking her, but I couldn't get through. There was this haze keeping me from her.


I tried again, but nothing.

I turned to Max and we both bolted back in the direction of the castle.

How could I have been so stupid? She'd better be safe. She'd better be at home, asleep in bed. Safe.

We ran the two hour trip in one and I raced through the castle up to my suite.

"Emory? Luca?"

No response.

I tore through the suite but there was no sign of my mate and pup.

No sign, but an open window and a knife. 



My head was pounding when I woke. I was in a cell, similar to my old one, but not the same.

The events of last night came back to me and I had only one thought: Luca.

I scanned the cell for my pup and sagged in relief when I found him asleep on the floor. I pulled him into my lap and cradled him.

What am I going to do? I have to get my Luca out of here. I promised I would keep him safe and I failed so miserably. He shouldn't be here. Neither of us should be here.

"Mommy?" A trembling voice said.

"Hi baby," I sighed, stroking Luca's hair.

He started crying, realizing we weren't at home. I tried my best to comfort him, but I was barely even holding myself together.

"I want Daddy," Luca cried out, throwing his arms around my neck.

"Me too baby. Me too."

"Well isn't that sweet?"

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