Base Building 101

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The moonlight shined off of Han's bald head like a spotlight, the reflection being more powerful from the sweat that coated him, trembling with fear as he stared at the man responsible for the murder of his men. Y/n stared back, with a smirk on his lips, knowing that he could kill Hans effortlessly as he did with the others. And Hans knew it too.

Hans: W-What do you want?

He was finally able to say. Y/n let out a puff of air as he thought about his question.

Y/n: Well first off, empty your pockets.

Hans staggered back. He didn't know what answer he was expecting, but it wasn't that.

Hans: What?

Y/n: You heard me. And I don't feel like repeating myself.

He said with a threatening undertone. His smirk went away seeing that Hand hasn't done what he was told.

Y/n: Now.

Hans heart skipped a beat hearing Y/n's demonic tone. He hastily dug his hands into his pockets and tossed a coin purse onto the ground. As Y/n gazed down at the bag, Hans took the opportunity to begin running away.

Y/n: Wait.

Hans stopped in his tracks, about ten feet from where Y/n was standing. Y/n slowly turned to him, as Hans's back faced him.

Y/n: I'm not done yet.

The bald thug gritted his teeth, hating the feeling of helplessness surging through him. He whipped his body around to face the sorcerer.

Hans: What more do you want from me? It's them who has the valuables!

Hans shouted, glaring at the crowd of villagers, making them flinch.

Y/n: Your armor.

Hans turned his attention back to Y/n.

Y/n: Give it to me.

His eyes widened from his demand.

Hans: What? What for!?

Y/n: Because...

He started, as he slowly stepped towards Hans like a predator approaching his prey. The bald brute timidly started backing up.

Y/n: I want you to crawl back to whatever hole you crawled out of, as an embarrassment.

He said maliciously, surprising Hans with his answer.

Y/n: I want your peers to laugh at the bald idiot who couldn't even ransack a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.

Hans slowly made a glare at Y/n, which only put the smirk back on his face. With rage welling up inside him, Hans mustered up enough courage to step forward. But Y/n raised his hand between them and summoned a dark flame, stopping him in his tracks. Y/n only glared back at him before giving his demand.

Y/n: Strip.

Letting out a growl, Hans reluctantly grabbed his shoulder plates and tore them off, throwing them to the ground like and angry toddle. He lifted his chest plate over his head before throwing it down with them. Then, he pulled down his boots and stepped out of them, before adding them to the pile. And then finally he threw off his gauntlets.

Y/n stared at the brute, his clothing now reduced to a white loincloth wrapped around his pelvic area. Thinking that he still wasn't satisfied, Hans grabbed the strings keeping the cloth on, and-

Y/n: The underwear stays on. Save it for the strip club you'll have to work at once your reputation is ruined...

Waving his fiery hand to the side, he dissipated the dark flames before lowing his attention to the goods displayed before him.

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