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"We're jumping out of the window and making a run for it. It's a survivable fall." Y/n repeated. He wasn't joking. That was his plan.

Maybe now wasn't the best time to remind y/n that Bucky was terrified of heights.

Bucky's eyes were wide in shock. He had no idea how y/n thought that jumping out of a window was a good idea. "Are you serious?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You understand that there are hundreds of people out there ready to shoot us, right? There are snipers, y/n!" He hissed in a hushed tone, pointing toward the window. Usually he wouldn't snap at y/n, but this was a terrible idea. "They want us dead, and jumping out of that window is giving them that chance. This is suicide!"

With every second that passed, the SWAT team were getting closer and closer to the apartment. They were on the same floor, it was only a matter of seconds before they burst into the apartment. Tony's shouting was becoming louder and louder, practically screaming at the poor kid. But Peter simply stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door behind him and standing in front of it to make it harder for Tony to get in. Y/n and Bucky didn't have much time, Peter was running out of things to talk about, and arguing wasn't helping.

"Okay, fine! Do you have any better ideas? Is there anything else that we can do?" Y/n asked, an annoyed look in his eyes. He impatiently shifted from foot to foot, his eyebrows raised as he waited for Bucky's response. However, when he gave no response, y/n just seemed nod in agreement. "Exactly. There's no other way except jumping out of that window. And that's what we're doing." He said seriously. Y/n had almost gone completely into one of Steve's 'focus modes', which was something that Bucky hadn't seen in a long, long time. "Besides, they're not going to kill us. Hurt us? Maybe. But they're not going to shoot us dead, not with so many people and news stations recording. Tony values his image, if we get arrested is when we have to worry about getting murdered."

Bucky let out an exasperated sigh, staying as far away from the window as he possibly could as he watched y/n yank open the curtains. "Y/n. We're not jumping out of that window. It's too high. Yes, it might be 'survivable', but it doesn't mean we won't be injured. What're you gonna do when we're laying on the ground with a broken leg, surrounded by guns and not able to run away?" He questioned seriously. Bucky pressed his back up against the wall, taking slow breaths as his eyes stayed fixed on y/n. He loved him, but he was insane.

However, before y/n could explain any more of the plan, the SWAT team had reached the apartment.


Peter had been forcefully moved. He was practically being dragged out of the building by Tony, who had a tight hold on his arm. Yet the kid still tried his hardest to stall. "But Mr Stark! I left something in the apartment! It's important!" He rushed out, digging his heels into the ground in attempt to slow Tony down. "Please, Mr Stark! I don't want those guys to see it! I accidentally left..." Peter cut himself off, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think of something that he could've left behind. But unfortunately he could only think of one think. "I left porn playing on my computer!" He suddenly shouted out, going bright red at the fact that probably everyone in the stairwell had heard him.

Tony didn't stop walking, but he did glance back at Peter for a split second. His eyebrows were raised, yet it was obvious that he didn't believe the kid at all. "Of course you did, kid." He sighed, his grip staying tight on Peter's arm the whole way down the stairs. "There's no point in embarrassing yourself, Pete. You're not even in trouble. You're going to the dance. All you're doing right now is being a pain in the ass."


The apartment door was in the midst of being broken down, yet y/n and Bucky still hadn't moved.

"Bucky, we need to go!" He shouted over all of the noise. His hand was outstretched for Bucky to take, his eyes wide in urgency. They had to move. If they didn't move now they'd get surrounded. "You've got to trust me, Buck!"

Bucky felt as if he could barely breathe. His back was completely pressed up against the wall, his eyes glued on the window. Y/n was right, they had to move, but he was terrified. Jumping (or falling) from tall heights had never ended up well for him. He didn't want anything bad to happen again. But Bucky knew that he had to take the risk.

If they stayed in the apartment, they'd get caught. There was no way out except that window. The fire escape was far too slow, and of course the front door was in the midst of being smashed to pieces. The window was their only chance.

"Fine. Fine!" He caved, finally taking hold on y/n's hand. He didn't want to, but there was no other way. "I swear to god, y/n, if this goes wrong I'm blaming you." Bucky said seriously, feeling as if his whole body was shaking with adrenaline and fear. Luckily he wasn't actually shaking, yet it was still obvious that he was scared out of his mind.

However, before y/n could respond and carry on with their conversation, the door had been broken down.

Y/n knew that Bucky was scared, he was scared too. But there wasn't any more time to console him. They had to move. "It's show time." He smiled, squeezing Bucky's hand tightly.

And, just as y/n spoke, the pair begun to race toward the giant window. They created as much momentum as they possibly could before they threw themselves at the glass, smashing it with ease. Just like that, y/n and Bucky were free-falling out of an apartment building. Let's just say that this wasn't Bucky's original idea when y/n said that he wanted to go skydiving.

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