Chapter 51

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Vok'Rul spent most of his time sleeping. It wasn't the still, barely breathing kind of sleep he had been in for the last five days, though. It was much easier to bear, now that the alien had regained consciousness at least once, even if it was for all of five minutes. 

Viktor found the will to eat what was offered to him, and after Rukka had left, he curled up as tightly as he could so as not to bump into Vok'Rul and fell into the deepest sleep he had since he got here.

He woke up to murmuring voices. He cracked his eyes open, unfurling with difficulty - his wounds still ached - and rubbed his eyes viciously, trying to clear the last of the sleep from them. His mouth was dry, and his head pulsed, but what else was new? 

He jolted as he remembered. He whirled around, pushing away the dizziness that came with not taking care of himself very well for five days, eyes landing on Vok'Rul. 

The alien was still lying on the bed, but he had sat up just slightly, head turned to speak with Rukka and Kac, who were sitting at his bedside. At Viktor's sudden movement, all three turned toward him, their conversation stopping. 

"Uhh," he said, voice gravelly. "Rohsh." 

"Pora, Kohgrash'mrr," Vok'Rul said, lifting his arms toward him. A bit awkwardly, hyperaware of where he was putting each limb, Viktor slowly crawled up to Vok'Rul. The alien wrapped his arm around the human, pulling him up close to his chest. Viktor pressed his ear against him, hearing his weak heartbeat. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered, pressing himself as close as he could to the alien. It should scare him, how attached he had gotten to Vok'Rul in such a short time. But it didn't. 

Realistically, his attachment to the alien was probably unhealthy at best. Latching on to the only living being who had shown him the most kindness he had received in months, especially after he had been uprooted from his friends, probably wasn't the best idea. 

But Viktor couldn't help it and lowering his defenses had been so appealing. Being able to relax, truly relax? After everything he had gone through? Yeah, it was no wonder he had gotten so attached to him. 

He felt Vok'Rul press his cheek to the top of his head, pokey and warm, squeezing him slightly. His heart thudded with hope, hardly daring to believe that maybe he wouldn't be kicked out after all. 

"Tas prosh, Kohgrash," Vok'Rul whispered, just for him. Alarmingly, he sounded a little choked up. Viktor, who didn't even know if these aliens could shed tears, sincerely hoped that the alien wouldn't cry, because he'd probably join him. 

He heard Rukka say something, tone disbelieving and a little incredulous. Vok'Rul made a curious noise, pulling back to inspect Viktor. The human looked up, face half squished against the alien's chest. 

"What?" he asked, lips curling into a small smile. "Got something on my face?" 

He tried not to remember that he actually did have something on his face. 

Vok'Rul said something, making a shooing motion with his injured arm. Kac and Rukka suddenly stood, chairs scraping loudly against the floor. It made Viktor startle, and he watched warily as they went to the door. Rukka did the gesture for come here, and Viktor's face twisted in confused fury. 

Vok'Rul had just woken up, and they expected him to leave? 

"Pora, Kohgrash," Rukka said commandingly. 

He bared his teeth at her slightly, just to convey his irritation. His fingers wrapped around the scratchy material of Vok'Rul's hospital clothing. He glanced up at the alien, but his face was uncharacteristically impassive. 

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