Chapter 2: Planning stages

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"I'm the person that can end you." "No. No that can't be!" "Then I'll Erase you."  "Impossible! I can't be killed. I'm immortal!"  "I'm a godslayer." "No. NO, STAY AWAY!" Misery opened her eyes in a cold sweat.

She was still under several tons of rubble and still in her dragon form. The only sources of light were the stars in the never-ending night sky. Glittering in the distance. Indifferent to all of the affairs that plague the surface including Misery's own plights since both she and everything else on the land and sea were shrouded under the cover of the moonless yonder. She gazed up at the celestial bodies as they, along with the constant sound of the crashing of the ocean's waves, were her only source of comfort in her situation.

"Night already? How long was I out?" She thought as she began to stir." Rummaging her decaying dragon body out of the stone debris."Well, no matter. First things first. There is no need for this body anymore."

Her body seemed to explode at that moment, sending blood, dead flesh, and bone everywhere. But before it could hit anything, all of it was brought together to form Misery in her disguise. The woman seemed angry and displeased. In her hand was a cube made of excess flesh and bone. About the size of a small trash can.

"That's better but I'm still covered in dust and sand. That is unacceptable. Now what to do about it?" She then looks in the direction of the reverberating waves. "I guess I could use a bath. Granted it's no divine palace washroom but it will have to do. Besides, I was thinking of claiming this place anyway. Since it's Inconspicuous and nigh-impossible for anyone else on this pitiful planet to get to. It wouldn't be that bad if I just started living here early. If only temporarily"

Without a second thought. She proceeds towards the water's edge and then begins to walk on top of it. She goes out a solid 40 yards before plunging feet first into the murky depths.

"Alright now to find those ruins that I stumbled over the last time I was here." She thought as she dove deeper and deeper. Passing scores of wild sea life. From Flounder, clownfish, and octopi, to sea turtles, bass, and squid. She even tried to touch a couple of sharks on her way down but they swam away. Probably sensing the danger of her presence. This was a thought that came to her mind. Causing her to giggle.

She reached the ocean floor and then leaped off the edge of the Ocean's Shelf. Creating a little ball of violet light as she descended. Eventually touching down onto a basin. As she walked around she noticed something.

"No critters this time? I know last time my light scared them off but now they're completely gone? That's odd." She then begins to notice how silent and gloomy it was. "Well, it's probably for the greater good. Honestly, this place fits me perfectly. No one can bother me here. Nothing but solitude."

She took the time to undo her disguise. Unveiling her porcelain pale skin, smooth slender body that was outlined by her regal black dress, and her long platinum-colored hair that flowed all the way down to her hips. Smiling slightly at this newfound feeling of freedom. But before long, her expression turned into a frown as she realizes how lonely it is down here. How lonely she was in actuality. She then thought back to what The Insurgent said to her prior to this. 

"You know things would be a lot easier for you if you actually listened to the people you look down on instead of just off'ing them outright! What does that even accomplish, huh?! Short-term satisfaction and the salvaging of your pride? But what do you lose? Respect, favor, love & affection. That and whatever else you were wanting to gain by talking to them in the first place!" She gets flustered upon thinking of him.

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