Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Bet

    "What's the matter with you? Why did you get along with Su Jinyan after going out for training? Don't you think I don't know, don't you like him too much?"

    Another doctor in the hospital was named When Guo Jiaxian and Su Jinyan didn't come, the health center kept saying that they would send a doctor who graduated from a serious medical school. He happily waited for months, expecting every day that a doctor who had graduated specifically from medical school would discuss medicine with him.

    Who knew that he waited and waited, but waited for a devolved educated youth who turned from a teacher to a doctor.

    How could he be happy with this? Naturally, every time I see Su Jinyan, I feel that it is because of him that I have lost an opportunity to consult with professional doctors. So whenever he sees Su Jinyan, he doesn't give him a good look.

    He had always thought that he and Cao Zili were on the same front. Although Cao Zili never expressed his dissatisfaction with Su Jinyan in front of him, he knew that Cao Zili's mood was as full of injustice and anger as he was.

    But he never thought of it, but just two days of training brought a big change in Cao Zili's attitude.

    This in the end is why? Could it be that Cao Zili was also influenced by Su Jinyan's capitalist ethos?

    "Our views on Su Jinyan have always been too biased. Maybe if we remove our preconceived views, Su Jinyan is not so annoying.

    He is actually very powerful. I was prejudiced against him before, but the family first , we should not look at people with tinted glasses. We should use a positive and positive attitude to discover his advantages, so that there may be more surprises."

    Cao Zili expressed his truest thoughts sincerely, but did not Thinking of Guo Jiaxian looking at him with shock, the meaning in his eyes can be guessed without him saying Cao Zili, his eyes are full of the friendship that you betrayed our revolution.

    Cao Zili suddenly felt amused, the colleague in front of him was like a stubborn child who refused to change his mind easily.

    "Really, maybe you can let go of your prejudices and get along with him as a normal colleague. You will be pleasantly surprised and realize how naive you used to be."

    Cao Zili no longer tries to change Guo Jiaxian's mind, he is not there Chatted with the Guo family first, and hurried to work.

    Su Jinyan is naturally unaware of the conversation between the other two colleagues. He is currently distressed. There is not enough medicine in the pharmacy. Where can he get the medicine?

    Nowadays, the state is short of supplies and everything is lacking, not to mention that his small commune health center lacks drugs, even the large hospitals in the county are in short supply.

    If he can't get Western medicine, can he buy some Chinese medicine? Of course, he is not sure whether the Chinese medicine he purchased can be used for the treatment of commune members.

    He planned to find a time to ask Cao Zili, but when he turned around, he found Guo Jiaxian staring blankly at him.

    "Comrade Guo, what's the matter with you?" Su Jinyan asked politely.

    Guo Jiaxian stared at him for a while before saying: "Tomorrow, I will go to several brigades in the commune to promote family planning, distribute contraceptives to the people of the commune, recommend putting rings, etc. Don't forget, Cao Zili runs from the first to the fifth brigades. , I'll go to the 6th to 10th brigades, and the rest will be yours.

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