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3| SoCal Hospitality

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"You're where?!" Momma's screeching tone fills my ears as I stand outside San Diego Airport and wait for a taxi. "I thought you were going to get your hair done! Please tell me this is a joke. You are not seriously in California right now!"

"Will you relax? I'm sure they've got salons in San Diego," I say, flagging down a cab as I roll my carry-on to the curb. I grin, nodding at the driver as he helps load my luggage into the trunk. "Hair stylists aren't exclusive to the south, momma."


I let out a labored sigh as I hop into the back seat and hold up a finger to the driver. "Listen, momma, I'm here already. There's no point in yelling at me. That ain't gonna magically teleport me home, okay? So take a breath and relax, huh? I'll be home before you know it."

"I am coming to get you! Where are you staying?" She pauses. "Well?"

"I'm going to hang up now, momma," I say, cringing. I barely have enough money for the one-way ticket and a cab ride, let alone accommodations. Let's hope she's as gung-ho about flying me home in a couple of days as she is right now. "I'll text you later, okay?"


"Sorry about that," I say sheepishly to the driver as I hang up and find the PDF from Mr. Moore. I zoom in on the last known address of my brother. "Umm...I'm going to 1424 Dungrave Drive in uh"—I squint—"in Hawk Ridge."

"Hawk Ridge?" The driver raises a concerned brow as he looks me up and down, his gaze lingering on my Jimmy Choos™. "You sure you got the right address?"

"Yes," I say, rereading the document. "1424 Dungrave Drive, Riverside County, California." I turn my phone around and show him. "See?"

He runs a hand through his thinning hair. "Okay..." He starts the engine, tapping the steering wheel as I buckle in. "Um...anyone know where you're heading to, Miss?"

I frown. Is he going to kidnap me? "Yes, of course."

"Good, good," he mutters, clearing his throat. He turns the dial on the radio. "Any requests? It's about a half-hour drive."

"No," I say, sinking back into my seat as anxiety spikes in my chest. "Anything's fine."

Maybe I should've asked Mr. Moore to dig a little harder to find Beau's phone number so I could call him first. Tell him that I was coming. But what if he didn't answer? What if he decided to take off again? This might be my only chance. Daddy always says the element of surprise is crucial to winning a battle. I intend to win. No losing allowed. Not today.

As the minutes tick by, the big city lights and towers shrink into rancher-style residential homes and rusty trucks until all that surrounds me is dirt roads, patchy fields, and rocky mountains.

"We're almost there," the driver says, sensing my confusion. "Hawk Ridge is just through that opening." He points toward a lumpy hill, and I swallow. Where in God's name am I? "You uh...you visiting a friend or something?"

"My brother," I say, chewing on my bottom lip as Hawk Ridge comes into view.

Despite the barren perimeter of the town, there are several newly built houses scattered around, which makes the older homes look even more run down. It's like everything is half-built. Nothing cohesive. Odd. The driver turns onto Dungrave Drive—or at least I think it's Dungrave. Apparently, street signs aren't necessary.

"1424," he says, stopping the car. He looks out the passenger side window, scratching his chin. "You sure this is it?"

"Uh..." I blink at all the beer cans spread out around the front yard. Oh, boy. There's no going back now, is there?" "I guess so." The driver gets out of the car and helps me with my bags. I hand him the fare silently, my heart beating with anticipation as I listlessly stride toward the front door. Sucking in a long breath, I clear my throat as I ring the doorbell multiple times. "Hello? Anyone home?" I pause, swallowing as I knock this time. "Beau? Beau, you there?"

Darlin'Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora