477 20 14

The first thing I felt when I woke up was pain, aching near my stomach when I breathed. Muffled voices became clearer, slowly becoming understandable.

"... told you, I was too out of it to understand what was going on."

"We just have to wait for Tommy to wake up then."

Someone's hand interlaced with mine and squeezed, and I squeezed back lightly, peeling my eyes open. Tubbo and Ranboo were leaning over me, Tubbo's hand held tight in mine.

"How do you feel?" Ranboo asked nervously, and I grimaced.

"Like I got stabbed, big man."

Tubbo rolled his eyes at me, but didn't let go of my hand, even holding it tighter. I groaned as I moved to sit up, and Ranboo rushed to help me. With a bit of effort between Ranboo and myself I managed to become slightly more upright, Tubbo rearranging the pillows behind me. I smirked.

"Saps, the both of you. If I get treatment this nice when I get stabbed I'll have to get stabbed more often."

Ranboo looked at me like I had just kicked his puppy, and I quickly looked away. They hadn't been that worried, had they?

Tubbo squeezed my hand, which he still refused to let go of, even tighter. I made eye contact with him and he glared at me while somehow simultaneously looking like he was going to cry. Oh. They really had been worried. I took a deep breath through my nose, wincing slightly as my wound throbbed.

I clenched the hand that wasn't being held captive, then reached out and grabbed Ranboo's hand. I sat for a moment, with my two best friends- no, my family- next to me. A burning sensation appeared behind my eyes and I blinked rapidly.

"I'm ok, I promise." I squeezed both of their hands.

"I'm sorry." Tubbo muttered and I frowned.

"What for, big man?" It was like a dam burst and Tubbo burst into tears- or at least, his species equivalent, a sap-like substance generating at the corners of his eyes.

"I should've been there! But instead I got knocked out and was useless-"

I covered his mouth and just sat there for a second as he glared.

"You done?" He angrily nodded and I let go.

"It's not your fault, we both didn't see it coming. And it was just bad luck that you were knocked out when I got cornered by WRAITH and BLADE."

"WRAITH and BLADE did this to you??" Ranboo yelped.

Oh. That's right, Tubbo was out for the count and Ranboo was just on standby for emergency collection. Neither of them knew what happened on that roof. I took another deep breath, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Ok so." Both of them sit down on the edge of the bed.

"We finished up the drug bust, and then someone surprise attacked Tubbo from the roof, knocking him out. I haul him up to the roof, but WRAITH and BLADE are there." Tubbo scowled, obviously still beating himself up for not being conscious for it, and I lightly kicked him.


"Stop blaming yourself idiot. Anyway, they wouldn't let me leave, kept insisting I come with them and take you. And there was no way I was doing that, and then they- no wait, it was just WRAITH- started advancing and I defended you. I kicked BLADE off the roof-"

"What?" Ranboo interrupted me and I grinned at him.

"Yup! He was all surprised too, it was hilarious. I made sure he landed in a dumpster, though."

"And what, he got mad and stabbed you?" My smile melted a little.

"Nah, I turned around and WRAITH was super mad, almost feral. I didn't move soon enough and next thing I know..." I gestured to my bandaged side.

"That's when I called Ranboob over here, and from that I think I passed out from the shock and adrenaline crash."

Tubbo stayed silent, reaching up to run his hand through my hair. Ever since I had revealed my human form to him, he'd been obsessed with my hair. It wasn't uncommon for me to wake up in the morning to Tubbo playing with my hair, humming and whispering "gold" under his breath. I kept trying to tell him it was blonde, not gold, but apparently blonde was only an english word and didn't directly translate into common.

I complained about it, but not too much.

Today I was too tired to complain at all, just closing my eyes slightly and pressing my head further into his hand.

"How long did I pass out for?" I mumbled.

"About 5 hours." My eyes snapped open.

"5 hours?!"


I pouted, confined to the couch as Ranboo monitored Tubbo on his patrol. I sighed deeply, upset at being left out of a patrol even though nothing interesting was happening.


He ignored me.


He adjusted his headphones slightly more on his head but otherwise didn't acknowledge my whining.

"If you don't pay attention to me I'm gonna get up and come over there." That worked, his head snapping towards me with a glare.

"Don't you dare Tommy, you'll pull your stitches." I just grinned, happy to have finally gotten his attention.

"I'm bored."

"Watch something on the old laptop." I perked up. Good idea!

"See Ranboob, I knew I could count on you to help me." He rolled his eyes at me and turned back to the security cams that he was using to track Tubbo's movements on his patrol.

I looked around. Where had I put the laptop? Oh! Under the couch, of course. I wiggled to the side, screwing up my face slightly as my side burned from the movement. My back cracked as I leaned over the side of the couch and I laughed as Ranboo looked horrified.

"I'll never get used to you doing that."

"What, this?" I grinned as I leaned the other way, the series of pops making Ranboo wince and turn away again.

"You're such a gremlin." He muttered, and I laughed.

Grabbing the laptop, I scootched back until I was in the middle and sighed, pulling a blanket around my shoulders. The laptop was an old, battered thing, with some missing keycaps and a few cracks in the screen. I smiled fondly at it.

It was one of the first pieces of tech I ever rescued from a dumpster, way back when Ranboo and I were only just surviving together. I pressed the power button, holding it down until the computer showed some sign of life.

The fans hummed, and the screen flashed before lighting up.

I clicked on the icon for what Ranboo had explained to me was the alien equivalent of youtube. The homepage suggestions popped up and I scanned them.

'How to re-route the electricity flow in a tazer'

'How to wirelessly access a camera'

'Why did my parents leave me'

'What does POGCHAMP mean'

'Is it illegal to hack into government databases'

'How to hack into government databases'

'Can the government see what I'm searching'

'How to avoid going to jail for searching how to hack into government databases'

Ah. I see that Ranboo has been using it often.

'Beginners Krygoz crashcourse: Learn to fight using Krygoz techniques.' Caught my eye, and I clicked on the video. Might as well learn some new things if I'm stuck here for ages.

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