Finding A Job-Chapter 3

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Y/N Pov

It has been a year since me and Huey divorced. I been better actually, I gotten a job but I wasn't getting paid as much as I  needed. So I quit that one and started looking for a new job but I been helping Jazmine around the house and all. I was staying with her and Ceaser actually. I was on my laptop going through job applications.

Jazmine: Heyy Y/N whatcha doing?

Y/N: Nothing much just looking for a new job honestly.

Jazmine: Oh ok. I wanna see

Y/N: I found one. You'll get paid 500 a hour oh wow.

Jazmine: Oh my! That's a good deal.

Y/N: Yeah but it must be a lot of work. Plus it's a business place.

Jazmine: Who's the CEO?

Y/N: I don't know. Should I take the interview?

Jazmine: Girl yes! I mean 500 dollars a hour is a good ass deal. I mean unless you want to be a lawyer like I am.

Y/N: Then I will have to take Lawyer school. Plus I suck at that.

Jazmine: *giggling* oh come on it's not that hard. Just a lot of investigating. But I'm a defense so I would get justice for the people who are locked up for no reason.

Y/N: That's so kind of you

Jazmine: I knowww. Hi baby!

Ceaser: Hey Baby. Hey N/N

Y/N: Sup.

Ceaser: I'm finna cook these bad ass chickens.

Jazmine: Okay *giggling*

Ceaser: Let me know if y'all need anything

Jazmine: I do. Tonight

Y/N: Oh my god TMI!

Jazmine: *laughing* girllll you just don't know. Anyways imma go help him cook let me know if they respond back to you.

Y/N: Gotcha.

I signed out the registration that they had for me to do. I feel like I heard of this business before but didn't pay attention to it. They ask so many questions godly. All up in my business. But I guess they just trying to keep their building protected. Once I finish the registration I turned in it. Now I just have to wait for an response back so I can do this interview. Jazmine called me in the diner room and I got up and went in.)

Jazmine: Food's done!

I sat down at the table and made my plate.

Y/N: Thanks guys this smells delicious.

Jazmine: You're welcome!

Y/N: So hopefully I get this job and I'll make sure to pay y'all for letting me stay. And I'll move into my own apartment.

Jazmine: Oh honey you don't have to do that! We are glad to help.

Y/N: I know but I want to.

Jazmine: So do you need a professional outfit for your interview if you get accepted?

Y/N: I have one.

Jazmine: Okay.

My phone started vibrating and I picked it up and answered it.

Y/N: Hello?

There was another woman on the line. Oh my gosh it must be the people from that job. Jeez they responded fast. She told me on how she read my registration and told me that I was required to come in the next morning for the interview. I said thank you and she gave me the time. I had to be there at 11:30 in the morning. I then hanged up after getting all the informer I needed. And I placed my phone back on the table.

Jazmine: Sooo?

Y/N: I have a interview!

Jazmine: Yessss!

Ceaser: Congratulations

Y/N: Thank youuu

Jazmine: Soo when is it?

Y/N: Tomorrow at 11:30

Jazmine: Ohh Okay! I wonder how the interview gonna goes! They responded fast as hell

Y/N: I know. I mean they is a big company. So I'm sure they would like to stay on a fast pace.

Jazmine: Yeah.. well I hope you get the job also I know it may be a lot but don't stress yourself out okay?

Y/N: Yep! Gotcha. Imma go take a shower. Thanks for dinner

Jazmine: Welcome!

I handed upstairs to my room and grabbed my towel and everything I needed. I had a bathroom so I used that. I went in the bathroom and shut the door. I then took off my clothes in gotten inside. Feeling the hot water rushing down my body. I washed my hair to. I wonder how the job interview is gonna go. I hope the people there is nice because usually CEOs be on your ass. I hope the CEO is nice. Hmm I wonder what my role is gonna be if I get the job. I wanna work in a office. I giggled to myself, having my own office would be fucking dope. When I finish showering I got out and got dressed. When I finished getting dress I laid on my bed.

Jazmine: Y/N? You're in here?

Y/N: Yeah come in.

Jazmine: You excited for tomorrow?

Y/N: Yeah. I think it would be cool.

Jazmine: Did you find out who the CEO is?

Y/N: To be honest the lady did said I would be talking to Mr. Freeman so yeah I know the CEO is a he but she didn't tell me full name

Jazmine: Ohh ok. Hm sounds familiar

Y/N: That's what I said but you know I don't pay attention to shit.

Jazmine: Yeah I know that now *laughing* well imma let you get some sleep good night.

Y/N: Good night Jaz

She left my room and I turned off the lamp. I tucked in my sheets and was about to fall asleep but then I heard something pounding on the wall. And then I heard noises

Jazmine: Cease! Oh God slow down!

Oh my god. Is they serious. They making me feel lonely ass hell. And why they gotta be so loud.

Y/N: I'm trying to sleep!

Jazmine: S-Sorry Ah!!!! Ceaser!!!!

Oh my god, I mean I get it s lot of men be hitting the spot but god damn a bitch tryna sleep. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep knowing I had to get up in the morning.

Done 😩 now that Y/N gotten accepted to do an interview how will the interview go? Where there be drama? Will Y/N regret it? Find out in the next chapter.

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