20 | is any of it true?

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"I'm sorry, Grace."


When I woke up again, Avery was still sleeping. The sudden hollowness grew in me as I remembered exactly what day it was.

I stumbled out of bed, too occupied with the overwhelming sadness to cover myself up. I was careful to make sure I didn't wake Avery because the last thing I wanted was for his arms to wrap around me and wonder why the hell I wanted to kiss him again.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I hurried out of the room, rushing down several flights of stairs until I was in the kitchen.


I flinched at the sudden voice and lifted my gaze to see Erik leaning against the counter. It took me a moment to respond after accepting the cup he offered. "Thanks."

Erik reached upward to open a cabinet and my eyes drifted to where his shirt lifted slightly. As he took out a bottle of whiskey, however, my eyes snapped back to him.

"I figured you might want this," Erik handed it to me and I tipped some into my coffee.

I was quiet for a moment. "Why are you up so early?"

He grimaced. "My father needed me to do some paperwork. I need the whole day to finish some of the tasks he handed to me. At least we have the week off until exam results come out Friday."

I pursed my lips. "Do you blame me?"

Erik seemed to expect this question because he shrugged, "Do I blame you for leaving me without an explanation after a lifetime of knowing each other? And then you suddenly return here for Avery Dragomir after disappearing for years?"

I winced. "When you put it that way..."

"I don't blame you, Vesper," Erik said quietly. "I grew up with you. You may not have told me anything, but I know you went through shit growing up. I know what day it is."

I blinked away rising tears, looking out of the glass windows that faced the kitchen. "You know I still care for you, Erik, but..."

"You don't love me," he finished, softly.

"I do love you," I clarified, remembering all the times he held me when I cried and the times he would make sure I got home safely after getting drunk. "I just don't think I was ever in love with you."

"I was," Erik shook his head with a slight, sad chuckle. "God, I thought you would end up being my wife."

"You deserve someone better, Erik."

Erik stepped closer to me. "I know there's something wrong with your relationship with Avery Dragomir."

I almost let my surprise show on my face. He figured it out that quickly? "What do you mean?"

"I-" he suddenly couldn't look me in the eye, "I had my private investigator do a search."

My back stiffened. My response came out colder than I expected. "You always did anything to win."

"He didn't find anything but I think deep down I already knew," Erik's words were so soft, I almost didn't catch them. "You came here for her. Your sister."

My eyes blazed but my words were careful. "My father made me enroll to Queens Academy. You know he always wanted me to attend."

"Yet you claimed to have dated Avery Dragomir for a while," Erik's eyes narrowed. "He doesn't fucking date. We all thought he would have stayed in a relationship with Satin, but that didn't last long."

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