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when i wake up it is still dark out, it was the perfect time to go for one of my late night runs.
i get up and wrap my haori around my shoulders and walk outside, i walk down to where many trees lay,
and form there i start jogging, i found peace whenever i went for my jogs.
i knew that nobody could interfere with this, because who else would be up at this hour,and if they were, who would be all the way up in the woods.I close my eyes and continue to run along the path that stopped at a lake.
i could already hear the waterfall when i was only 40 minutes in, yes it was a long jog, but it made me feel happy.
i could see a light trough my closed eyes, so i opened the, and i stopped jogging.
i looked around and saw a blue orb in the forest, i walked over to it nit caring about what could happen,when i get close enough, i extend my hand and it flowed onto my hand , once the orb made contact with my hand, i was flung back and everything went black when i hit the back of my head on a rock.

i woke up on the ground covered in snow, when i raised my head, i felt a sharp pain piercing through my head.
i touch the back of my hand and i feel warm liquid turn to cold liquid,i move my hands to view my eyes and i saw a deep red liquid dripping down my had, was this my blood? my blood has always been a bright red. is this even possible?
i sat there for a moment before i raised myself off of the ground,i walked over to the trail once again, it would take ages to get back to the house, especially because i can't run, heck i can barely even. walk straight.
i decided it would be easier if i went over to the lake, after all it was closer than my house.
I left behind small deep red dots in the pure white snow as i walked down to the late.
when i arrived at my location, i looked at my body to see if there were any other injury's that i didn't know of,
all there was was a scrapped knee and a cut on the back of my head, all i could think about at that moment was what that blue orb was and weather it was a dream or not.i walked over to the pond and dipped my leg up to my knee in the frost water, it was a beautiful sight to see, if i could stay here forever i would.

5 minutes passed by and i decided i should start heading home, i would probably make it home around lunch if i started walking,i knew when i returned i was going to get questioned up to the point i may black out again.

when i get home i walk through the door hiding the injury's i had gained form last night.
"where were you?" my mother called out as she rushed over to the door.
"i went for a walk, i needed to struck, you know?" i say to her as she gave me a hug,i hugged back.
"mother, i'm going down to the village, i'll be back around lunch." i say to my mother, i needed to get the injury's checked out as soon as i could.
"just stay safe sweetie"  she says as she releases me from the tight hug, i turned around and started to walk down to where i could find the doctors, my head and my knee stinging.
When i finally found a doctor they checked my wounds and told me they weren't that serious and that i should take it easy for a few days, i heard he was going to retire soon, he was such a sweet old man, he always respected everybody he knew and treated them like children of his own, it pained everybody who knew him well to see that he would pass on from his dream job as a doctor.


your now 18 and have a more womanly figure, you thought that 3ver since the blue orb incident, you've never been the same, you were the only one who thought that though, everybody thought it was a stupid little stage that would pass soon.
you never did...

i tossed and turned in my bed for what reeled like forever,i felt so uncomfortable in my own skin that night.
i was finally about to get some sleep when i saw the orb from a few years back,you were scared and you acted cautiously and it made its way over to you, it was a bit too bright so you squinted your eyes, not so much that you couldn't see, but just enough so that you could block some of the light from it.
As the orb got closer and closer, it also shrank,when it was a reasonable size, it got closer to your body and it was touching the skin of your chest until it enters your skin, that made you black out once again, you had no idea what was going on and why it was happening, but those thoughts were cut off when all you could see was black.

I woke up to a shock of pain in my chest where the orb had entered, I pulled down your gown to where the orb entered, there was a burning feeling and it got worse and worse, when i pulled the fabric from my breast, not so much that you could see a lot of it, but just enough to see the scar that was engraved into your chest, it looked like an crescent. i pulled the cloth back up to cover my chest when a sudden slam that echoed throughout the house, i snap back to me sen es and realise it's oddly quiet, a bit too odd, usually everybody would be awake at this time. i jolted out of bed and opened the door that was separating my room from the kitchen.
my heart sank when i saw blood across the walls and the floor of the house, i looked around and saw the body's if my family member. i screamed and rushed over to my mother who was laying beside my sister, they were still breathing , just barely, it would be no use taking them to the hospital. My sister looked at me and she held my hand tight.
"i'm sorry (Y/N) don't forget about us, please" she said struggling to talk.
"i want you to have this,we will always be with you my dear.Become a demon slayer, there will be a katana in my room for .....you" my mother said as her and my sisters eyes began to shut and their body's went limp. i took what my mother was going to give me and i stood up in fear and guilt, why did i have to be the only survivor.
i walked to my mothers room and looked around for a katana, i found it, it was navy blue, her favourite colour.
o wrapped the necklace she gave me around the sword, they eye shape of the charm made it beautiful. it even stood out because of it's yellow colour, i a, determined to keep this safe, i looked around the room and saw a big photograph with the family on it, i decided i'd take that for memories.
i had a free grip on the photograph and i cried, i cried as if it had all been bottled up for centuries.

i was crying for god knows how long when my blurry eyes met a booklet, i assumed it was mother's journal, i room that too. i knew that i was going to miss them and that i had no choice but to bury my own family.
"this day will forever be a curse in my eyes" i say with anger ringing hardly through my tone, i wanted to know who did this and i wanted revenge.Just as those words slipped out of my mouth, the scar started burning again, it could never hurt as much as the pain of loosing the only ones that could be trusted. i peered down at the scar and i saw how it had changed from the shape of a crescent moon, to the shape of an eye, now it matched the necklace mother gave to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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