Chapter 23

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The above video is for reference. Play it while reading.

Song name~ Heart attack by Demi Lovato.

Mona's pov

"AND I BURST INTO FLAMEEeee.." My voice breaks out when I reach the climax high note. I stop and sigh.

It's my 5th time trying it. The band is right now practicing for the compition. Everyone is coming, every band's family, other students, apparently it's like a fest, so it's for everyone to enjoy, which is tomorrow.

The members suggested any Italian song, but as I don't know Italian that much we settled for an English song, Heart attack. Why this song?

I used to listen to this song, whenever I felt anger, anguish toward families living a happy life, having love with them. This song is very close to my heart and it will be my closure, from past, from my old self and from that Mona who craved for love.

I and Monday have decided to divide the lines and harmonize someone between but as we reach the high note, I stumble onto it.

High notes are not my best strength.

"Mona, try to use your stomach voice." Lin says.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"How many voices do we have?" I ask.

"We'll, it's a saying, try to make sound like it's coming from stomach." He again says.

"How?" I again ask.

Hello, stomach please bring your inner voice to my throat.

He sighs, "Ok, just try harder. This note is the most important part of the song, of this goes wrong, the whole song will. But it's ok, take a break, maybe drink luke warm water, it'll be fine." He says.

And I suddenly start to feel sad.

I can't do this one thing.

Feeling it, Monday says, "Hey baby, it's ok, we're with you, take your time, we'll do this together." He says squeezing my hand.

I smile and nod. A little talk can help so much.

I move outside toward the kitchen.

Right, harleys in Hawaii

Snap out of it.

Caleb's pov

I know..I know.. I'm not having much dialogues or any kind of talking with Mona.

I guess my introvert side is coming out.

But what can I do? When they took her away, it was like my world crashed like a car, like I steeped on a banana peel and I slipped right on my ass. The pain was unbearable, like my nail got stuck on the corner of the bed.

Man, there was lot of bleeding and crying.

Anyways, I just want to spend time with my chicorita. And I will. NO ONE WILL STOP ME.

It's my turn anyway.

There was no bound to my happiness when she came back. She's so perfect. Funny, innocent, mature and very much loving her Mr.Penis.

I roll my eyes at that thought. But if it makes her happy, we can do anything for her happiness, except for bringing a real penis. That..will go to her from my dead body or better my sprit will haunt that real penis forever.

Anyways, she's too young for it.

Thinking about it, I hear some footsteps, glancing up I see Mona coming toward me (kitchen).

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