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"SO, YOU SHARE A LOCKER WITH A REALLY HOT GUY." Adalia elbowed my side as we made our way into the first class of the new day. A few other classmates shuffled into the room, some pulling off hoodies, others making fun of them, since this was Colorado and we would just get cold again later.

Adalia wasn't wearing a hoodie, though. My best friend liked to experiment with her look, and today's was one of my favorites. She wore a tucked-in sweater and wide-legged jeans with her hair half-up. She was a shorter girl with long blond hair, dark emerald eyes, and a smile that was sweet enough to trust. That trust meant she knew everything happening at Westwood, including the rumors about Kyler.

I still couldn't believe I'd opened my gym locker yesterday to find the one and only—and half-naked—Kyler staring back at me with an unashamed grin. Adalia and Liam had been making fun of me nonstop since I'd told them on the phone, and it only seemed to emphasize that this year was off to an unnatural start.

"It could be worse," she said.

I rolled my eyes playfully at Adalia before shrugging my backpack off. "When you put it like that, sure. But it's Kyler. I don't know if I really want to get close to him."

"Kyler Fellan, the type to never get serious," Adalia stated, taking the seat next to me. "He's charming, smart, reserved, and superhot. Only Sterling Reyes comes close. They're best friends, but they're complete—"

"Opposites. Yes, yes, like I haven't heard you give this speech a hundred times before." I smiled at her to let her know I was kidding, but I felt the corners of my lips sink. "Besides, I'm worried about other things right now."

Adalia shifted uncomfortably. "Me too. I can't believe they didn't find the guy who pushed her."

"I know. It doesn't seem like they're looking too hard," I said from the edge of my seat.

"But he's a murderer," Adalia said.

Exasperation flooded my expression as I fell back farther into my chair. "That's what I said. It's like they don't even care." Suddenly I leaned forward, letting my eyes skim the room before whispering in her direction, "What if he's a high school student?"

"Then he could be anywhere," she murmured. With a shudder, her green eyes found the floor. "It's pretty scary."

The two of us sat in silence, thoughts of terror and fear hanging over us. The rest of the school seemed to be feeling the same way; usually the classroom was full of sleepy laughter, but that had turned into low-level mumbles.

Adalia placed a hand on my knee as a gesture of reassurance, but the solemn expression remained etched on my face. "I'm sure the school will make an announcement later so students will be careful." Adalia paused and put a finger on her chin. "Well, at least around stairs."

At that last comment, my head snapped up. I couldn't help the amused smile sneaking onto my lips. "That's a bad joke."

"Who said I'm joking?" She laughed, her platinum hair bouncing along to the airy pitch.

The chiming sound was cut off as our teacher entered the room. Taking her position at the front of the room, she snapped at the class, "Quiet, please."

Adalia gave me another look before facing forward. Others raced to do the same before Mrs. Drella decided to turn around again.

With a spin of her heels, she faced the classroom with an expression that seemed softer than her usual hardened look. There was a long pause before her lips finally parted. "As your first-period teacher, I'm obligated to let you know some unfortunate news."

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