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26 years old

2 months later, in Tokyo, Japan.

"Do you want to go out with me?" I ask from the door.

Yaz is sitting on the couch, her laptop open in her lap. Harus on the floor reading his book, too distracted to even notice I'm here, making a fool of myself.

She looks up, confused, "What?"

I rub the back of my neck with my hand. Shit, I'm nervous, "I mean," clearing my throat, "do you want to get drinks with me and Toru?"

"What about Haru? Who will watch him?" she asks looking towards Haru, her face worried.

"He can come too." Shit, I didn't mean to say that.

Her brows pull together, confused, "To a bar?"

I clench and unclench my hands, "Yes. I mean no," Fuck, this is going worse than I thought, "I already asked Mei if she could watch him."

She shut her computer, with a frown, "are you okay? You're acting weird."

Fuck. I rub my neck again, "Yeah, I'm great." I say, looking away from her then back.

She smiles a little, getting up, "I'm just messing with you. Yeah, i'll go out for a drink with you guys." she ruffles Harus hair telling him she'll be back in a few hours.

One hour later me, her and Toru are sitting at a table in a bar, taking shots. We go to clang our glasses together and Toru says, "To Akasuki's birthday!" and he downs the whole shot and goes to fill another glass.

I shake my head about to down mine too but I notice Yaz pause giving me a questioning look, "you didn't tell me its your birthday."

I shrug, "I didn't think it mattered."

Now, she shakes her head, "of course it matters," she lifts her glass to me, "well, to the birthday man." Then she downs the glass.

We're a few glasses down and the bottle is almost gone, but I think it was mostly Toru because he's already on his tenth, when Yaz asks, "why did you get that tattoo?"

"Which one?" I ask in surprise.

"The Jasmine flower." she taps where the tattoo is through my long sleeve on my forearm, sending a chill through me. She's not drunk, not even tipsy, and she's only had two shots.

"It's a pretty flower." I say, downing my third shot.

She leans on the table, her cheek in the palm of her hand, as she looks at me with a look, "There has to be more to it."

"Okay," I lean on the table, my arm holding me up, so my face is closer to hers, "they've been my favorite flowers since I was little. My mother used to grow them and they were her favorite too. She would tell me they symbolized love."

She nods, filling her glass, and tipping it to me, "That's a good reason to get a tattoo."

Our faces were close and there was an intensity in her gaze.

"You guys are such flirts. It's disgusting." Toru says, slurring a bit as he downs his 11th drink.

We both look towards him, backing away from one another, I say, "Okay, I think that's enough for you." Taking the bottle away from him.

He trys to grab it back, "Hey!" I pull it away from him, "Come on, take another shot with me!" He's really drunk, he puts his head down on the table and mutters, "Levi would do it."

I shake my head, frowning, "Yeah but he also wouldn't want you to get alcohol poisining."

He makes an ugh noice, closing his eyes. Yaz watches the whole interaction, sipping her glass. "Sorry, he's just super drunk." I say.

"Maybe we should go home?" she suggests and I nod.

About an hour and half of trying to get Torus drunk ass to the car then driving home. We get there at 11. Most of the lights were still on but Harus was off. When we got inside we decided to just leave Toru on the couch mostly because he said so.

We walk up the stairs together and she's about to turn to her room, when I say, "Thank you, for coming out tonight."

She turns to me, smiling, "No problem. I had fun." Her dress was black and flowey, stopping at her mid thigh. The strap had fallen a bit and I had the urge to fix it for her.

I clenched my hand, "good. I'm glad." I turned towards my door.

"Do you," she starts and I turn towards her a little too quick, "do you have a picture of the Jasmines your mother used to grow?"

Her question felt a little random but I nodded, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

She walks over to me putting her hand on my phone, "Maybe," she hesitates, "maybe, we could look at them in your room?" Her question is low and my mouth parts but I don't think I can say anything so I just nod.

When we were in my room, she sat on the edge of my bed and I sat next to her. I pulled up the pictures of the flowers and showed them to her. She scrolls through them, pausing on the one of me and my mother next to them.

Her hair is slightly in her face and I can't help myself, I brush it behind her ear, my finger grazing her cheek. And she looks up and our eyes meet. It sounds stupid but I feel like I can't breathe.

She brings her hand up to my face and her fingers brush my cheek just below my eyes, "Your eyes," She starts, "Your eyes are beautiful."

You're beautiful.

I'm mesmerized by her and my eyes look down to her lips. The last time we were this close was 2 months ago. Her hands trail down my face, her eyes following, as they reach my lips. And the moment is so intense that I forget to breathe.

When her fingers run across my lips, I catch her wrist with my hand, fingers on her pulse. I can feel it racing. Suddenly her mouth is on mine and we're both breathing hard. The kiss is eager and her hands are on my chest. My phone falling onto the bed as she backs me onto the bed. My hands run down her shoulder, feeling the soft skin there.

She's straddling me, unbuttoning my shirt, and kissing the skin that reveals. When my shirt is fully unbuttoned, I shove it off and we're kissing again. Her lips are smooth and when we break apart she starts to take her dress off. She's not wearing a bra. Fuck.

I kiss her collarbone then up her neck and she lets out a breath. I flip us over so i'm over her and she kicks her dress off, and starts to unbutton my pants.

Fuck, she might just be the death of me.

I put my hand over hers and she stops, "Are you sure you want to?" I ask.

"Yes." she breathes.

I take my hand off of hers and she continues as I kiss the corner of her lips. I kick off my pants as I trail kisses down her body. Her breaths get heavier when I kiss her over her underwear. I slide it down her legs, kissing her thigh. When they're off fully I travel kisses slowly up her body making her moan.

I take off mine and put on a condom as I kiss her lips. This time the kiss is gentle as I pause at her entrance. She nods, her hands holding my face as she pulls me in for a kiss and I push into her.


She lets out another moan and her hands grip my shoulder. I start to move in and out of her slowly. Running her hands through my hair she gently tugs as she starts to kiss my neck.

We're breathing heavily. I start to quicken my pace and she exhales a moan. Taking her hands out of my hair she grazes them down my chest.

"Yaz," I breath. Interlacing our hands and she squeezes mine back tightly as she lets out another moan.

We move rhythmically. She says my name a few times before shuddering as she reaches her orgasim, moaning into my mouth. I love the way my name sounds from her lip.

I keep pushing in and out of her until I've reached mine. I'm holding myself above her as I pull out of her, kissing her forehead. She closes her eyes with a smile.

I lay next to her, the only sound being our breathing.

I don't think I'll ever be able to be with another woman other than Yaz. 

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