Chapter 44

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Hello, everyone! Sorry for the very late chapter, but here it finally is. I hope you all enjoy it, let me know of any mistakes or thoughts, and I hope you all have a fabulous day.

Leah POV

It was safe to say that it hadn't been a good day.

I got woken up before the sun had even rose, thanks to some stupid birds. So deciding to get ahead of things, I drove for a few hours until I almost run out of petrol. So, being responsible little me, I pulled over at a gas station to fill up on petrol.

But of course, something else had to go wrong. It turned out I didn't even have enough for a litre.

After having a little breakdown in the bathroom, I used the rest of the money to get some food from the gas station and decided to just keep driving until I got to the next town.

But why would things go to plan?

I broke down about 20 minutes into the drive. Which was great. Obviously. Because being stuck in the middle of wherever was definitely part of my plans.

There have only been about three cars in the hour I had been stranded here. So that was great. 

I didn't know what to do at this point. It's not like I was gonna walk to the next gas station, who knows when I would get there.

So I had been sitting in my car for the past however long it had been, trying to figure out a way to get this car moving.

I heard the rumbling of tyres against the road but I ignored it, trying to figure out what else I could do. But I looked out the window when the car slowed down, coming to a stop.

A man stepped out of the white Sedan, observing my car as he walked towards it. He knocked on the tinted window, and I opened it slightly.

"Ciao?" Hello? He tried looking through the small gap. "Puoi abbassare un po' di più il finestrino?" Can you roll your window down a bit more?

"Cosa vuoi?" What do you want? I ignored his question, keeping a significant amount of space between me and the window.

I observed him through the window. He scratched his stubble as he looked at the road for any cars. "Ho appena notato che sembri avere dei problemi con la macchina e mi chiedevo se avevi bisogno di aiuto." I just noticed that you seem to have car trouble and I was wondering if you needed any help.

"Solo un serbatoio vuoto, starò bene. Puoi andare avanti." Just an empty tank, I'll be fine. You can go on.

"Sei sicuro?" Are you sure? He peeked at me through the window. "Posso accompagnarti a una stazione di servizio." I can drive you to a gas station.

I thought about it for a second. It would be helpful, and it was a way better idea than sitting in a hot car waiting for a miracle.

"Non ho soldi." I don't have any money. I stated, opening the window a little bit more.

I got a better view of his face, and I didn't miss his eyes scanning me up and down, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Va bene. Ma dovremo andarcene adesso." All right. But we'll have to leave now. I nodded.

"Ok, ci vediamo alla tua macchina tra un momento. Ho solo bisogno di prendere un po' di roba." Ok, see you at your car in a moment. I just need to get some stuff.

The man nodded and walked back over to his car. I rummaged in the backseats and grabbed my water bottle. I put it in a small bag I found in the trunk of the car and tucked the gun I found in the glove box into my pants. I made sure to cover it with my shirt and got out of the car, clicking the keys to lock it.

You never know what was going to happen.

I placed the bag on my lap as I sat in the passenger seat, giving the man a small smile. He started the car and we quickly got onto the road.

It felt weird being in the car with someone again, and my eyes kept flickering back to him. He looked tense. Could he tell I was looking at him?

"Allora, dove eri diretto?" So, where were you headed? I felt myself jump slightly at his sudden question.

I thought for a second. "Sono solo in viaggio." I'm just travelling.

He nodded, glancing at me quickly. "Questo sembra divertente." That sounds fun.

I noticed a building come into view, and I felt myself smile when I realised it was a gas station. It wasn't as far away as I thought.

In just a few minutes, we were right by the building.

I shuffled in my seat to prepare to get out, but the car didn't slow down. It kept going right by the gas station.

"Uhm, ti sei perso la stazione di servizio." Um, you missed the gas station. I pointed behind us and looked at the man. He stared in the rearview mirror.

He looked back at the road with a smile, pressing on the accelerator. "Ops." Whoops.

You've got to be shitting me.

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