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hey bro

what do you want cory

i want to say sorry
i shouldn't have used alicia
to get at you like that
i knew you like her and I
shouldn't have tried anything
with her behind your back

tried? you didn't try. you
kissed her.

about that...


I may have lied to you,
we didn't kiss. I went in
for a kiss but she just kind
of ignored it?

wtf? lying about
that is so messed up

I'm really sorry bro

none of it matters because
nothing would ever happen
with Alicia and i anyway

I wouldn't be too sure about that

what do you mean?

well she just rejected me
and then told me she was
into someone else, someone that
I know quite well apparently


that's what I thought but no
she said someone else...
so I was thinking...

spit it out bro

I think she likes you too
i mean thinking about it
now, it's kind of obvious

you think so????

yes. now please go speak
to her

thank you cory
i appreciate you telling
me that

don't worry about it,
just don't get all sappy
on me bro

I won't because I'm still
pissed at you

now message her ffs


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