Chapter 12

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Emma felt her heart drop as her head snapped to Henderson, seeing him wear a smug smile with a gun in his outstretched hand. Emma growled, completely taken over by rage. She kicked the gun from his hand, then lifted her leg and stomped down on his head. She repeated the action, a series of grunts escaping her lips, dressed with saliva as she stomped until the man lay unrecognisable.

With a sob, she rushed to Sierra, kneeling by her side, ignoring the fact that Grace had her cradled already. Emma reached for the blonde, her hands shaking, afraid that her touch might send her into the other world. "Sierra?" her voice quivered. "No, no, no, no..."

Sierra gasped, blood spewing out of her mouth, tears slipping out of her eyes. Emma looked at the blood pouring from her midsection. The sight of it was the last hit to her already crumbling posture. Her hand gripped Sierra's dress, her pearly white dress now stained in red, as she broke down.

Numbness swept over Grace as she held the blonde as if just by doing that, she wouldn't be able to slip into the abyss. But that was falsely inaccurate, she realised, as her own tears streamed. Summoning a strength she didn't know she had, she gently handed Sierra to Emma and stood up. She scurried the place to find a needle. Without sanitation, she jammed her arm, drawing her own blood.

She squirted the green liquid into a test tube, mimicking what Sierra had done earlier to bring Angie back. She went to Emma with a clean needle. "Give me your arm."

Emma didn't move, her eyes glued to Sierra's face as she cradled her, rocking back and forth. Grace hissed, not waiting for Emma to respond, and sought her arm. Emma didn't flinch when the needle burrowed under her skin, stealing a bit of her life force. When Grace got the amount of blood she desired, she pulled the needle out and stood up. Emma's hand fell to her side.

Grace moved quickly, her mind racing as she mixed their blood, a silent prayer falling off her lips. She drew the mixture with another needle and ran to Sierra. The sight of the woman unmoving and eyes closed prompted Grace to hurry.

Without gentleness, she stabbed Sierra in the chest, right in her heart, injecting the blood mixture. She waited, her eyes searching for any movements. When she didn't see any, she ran back to get the other needle, repeating her action. She waited, the empty syringe in hand. "Come on, Sierra! Don't be stubborn now. Any other time, not now."

She jammed herself again, withdrawing another vial of her own blood. She stared at it with uncertainty. Her blood was too strong for a human. Sure to kill them. That's why it had to be mixed with that of another human or a hybrid. But she feared the mixture was too weak since Sierra was still...

All the uncertainty that clouded her dissipated long enough for her to jab the woman in the chest. She waited a moment, seeing no movements. She screamed, hope slipping out of her hands. "Come on!" she pounded Sierra's chest as if to pound life into her as if that would bring the woman back.

Tears streamed down her face, hot as fire, burning paths as they fell onto the blonde's lifeless body. She started CPR, hoping to get the woman's heart pumping again. "Come on... come on. Baby, please."

Tiredness gripped her muscles, begging for her to stop, but she couldn't. Stop and accept this? No. She pressed on for another minute, hope slipping away from her. Her movements became slower, taken over by her tiredness, until they eventually stopped. She rested her head on the woman's chest, crying.

"Sierra," her voice could barely be heard, too weak from her shouts. "Please don't leave me, Sierra. Please don't leave Emilie."

"I never got to tell you I love you." She found Sierra's arms, trying to feel her, but she felt nothing but emptiness and loneliness. "You can't go yet. Please," she gave Sierra's chest one last weak pound. "Come back to me–"

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