❂ Chapter 3 ❂

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❂ Chapter 3 ❂

"Jaxon? Where are you?"

No one talks about it. I guess it's because they would never know. I heard people say what they would do if they had invisibility powers. Some selfish, some pointless, and some messed up ideas. Those are what I've heard. But they don't understand how scary it is. And I don't expect anyone to understand what it's like.

Because if they can't see you, you can't see them. I don't really understand why it's like that. There's this idea with light and photons and it has to hit your eyes. Something like that. That's what google said. I don't understand any of it. But I do understand the fear that comes with being invisible. What comes with being temporarily blind.

"Jaxon?" Mom kept calling for me.

I couldn't reply. If I did, she'd try to find my voice, and then when she wouldn't be able to find me, she'd think she's crazy. It's happened before. I don't want it to happen again. Whenever I lose control of my powers, I stand frozen in place, I take a breather, and I hope, I hope that it stops. That everything goes back to normal. I've always wanted to just be normal.

I've learned ways to calm myself down during these episodes. It's hard. I hated it. I physically closed my eyes and the dark was still there. It never goes away even if I can see, but that's a different dark.

I was going to be late for school. Mrs. Bennit would call me in her office. I can't have that happen again so soon.

I clenched my fists and focused on the nothingness that surrounded me. I opened my eyes and I could see. It's hard to come back too. It's hard.

I quickly gathered my things and headed to where I thought mom was. She wasn't in the kitchen. "Where's mom?" I asked dad.

Dad leaned against the counter. "She already left. She was looking for you. She kept calling you."

I know.

"They're noise canceling," I lied, pointing to my earphones. It was my go-to explanation. "Sorry."

I don't mind lying, it's just inconvenient. You need a good memory to lie properly. And I don't have a good memory. But if I'm consistent, I'm okay.

With dad watching me, I decided to make myself something to eat. I grabbed a spoon and bowl and the cereal. I caught sight of his smile. It's so awkward. There was a need to itch my neck. I chewed the inside of my cheeks. I sat down.

We were quiet. He stayed by the counter and attempted to make himself look busy. Dad doesn't like the quiet.

Since mom no longer was driving me to school, I thought about driving myself in the family car. It should be fine. It's not that long of a drive, anyway.

"Do you want me to drop you off at school?"

"I'll take the family car," I said.

No one uses it other than me now that everyone's away at college or married. I like driving myself to school, anyway. I get to choose the song and control the AC. There's no one to have a conversation with either. I should have someone in the car. To be safer. Sometimes it's better. It's not that long of a drive...it should be fine.

Dad pursed his lip. He seemed to be thinking about something. I stared down at what was left of my breakfast. What's on his mind? I could hear the snap, crackle, and pop coming from the Rice Krispies. I brought the bowl of cereal to my lips and gulped down the remaining. Dad still had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You sure?" He asked me and rubbed the base of his neck.

He's nervous?

A thought occurred to me at that moment. Is this his roundabout way of having us hang out? Dad likes to do that sometimes. He thinks he's being clever and I pretend I don't catch on. It's already awkward as it is. I don't want to make things unbearable.

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