Chapter 37

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There's something about a sunset that just takes my breath away. Maybe it's the colors. Or the fact that it symbolizes the end to a day. Whatever it is, I'm completely taken aback by the cotton candy swirls in the sky right now.

We're in the middle of the water gazing out at the scenery. No one's saying anything; the only sound comes from the whistling tones of the warm breeze overtaking the air.

"I don't want to, but I'm thinking we should head back," Nico's the first to finally speak up. "Before it gets dark."

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Brooks adds on.

We circle back to the dock and Nico and Brooks take care of squaring away the jet-skis.

"Now that that's done," Nico says once he's covered them with this black sheet, "what do you guys say we head to the theater for movie night?"

Oh, did I mention Nico has a movie theater in his house? And a bowling alley? people problems.

"So long as we're not stuck watching some sappy chick flick," Brooks remarks.

"Don't act like you weren't bawling your eyes out at the ending of The Notebook," Nico teases.

"I had something in my eye," Brooks lies.

"Oh, man. That's too good!" Remi laughs.

"I don't know, we should probably call it a night," I say. I don't mean to sound like a downer but I'm starting to feel my feelings for Nico resurface. As if they went anywhere to begin with.

But, seriously. Being out on the water with him, holding intensified my emotions. Emotions that I'm trying to forget, to erase. Staying over for a few more hours won't help that.

"Really, BC? You're gonna leave me with Brooks? You have to stay." He looks at me intently. "Please."

I look at Remi, who appears uneasy. She subtly shrugs her shoulders, looking at me like 'well, what's it going to be?'

I cross my arms and let a deep breath out. "One movie," I give in and say.

"Alright," Nico claps his hands together and says with a smile on his face. "We'll even let you choose which one, BC."


"I'm leaving," Brooks says.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Nico asks.

Brooks raises from the velvet couch and points to the massive screen that's plastered on Nico's wall. "I didn't agree to this shit. I'm not watching My Best Friend's Wedding."

"Sit your ass down, Brooks," Nico orders.

"What part of I'm not watching a chick flick didn't you understand?"

"My Best Friend's Wedding is a classic, Brooks," I tell him otherwise.

"So is The Godfather."

I pout my lips and tilt my chin at him. He's unbelievable.

"You deal with Brooks while I grab us some more popcorn," I tell Nico. "Rem, need anything from the kitchen?"

"Yeah, an Advil. Brooks' nagging is giving me a headache."

"You love me and you know it," Brooks tells her. "I felt you trying to grab my ass on the jet-ski."

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