Learning The Truth

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Previously OnOperation Medea

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Operation Medea

"Dear sweet children of the creator, you have been fooled for the past four hundred years, many of you believe that magic is nothing more than fantasy, but you couldn't be more wrong. Many of you also believe that magic is a curse of the devil, but that is also very wrong, it is a gift from the creator of all, the great father, the great Shepard. This has been hidden from you because of man's hatred and jealousy, he would seek to destroy that which the father has bestowed unknowingly. But no longer from these portals you all will see a world that has come to live in peace with their magical brethren, but much like your ingenuity for war, this has also plagued this world as well, for you all know that war is ever changing, ever shifting, but the heart of war never changes."

The people of America could not believe what they were hearing at first, but upon

hearing that magic, which thought once was thought of as fantasy, is a really a gift from God, Which had caused several clergies from the different sects of Christianity Started yo think perhaps all those stories about witches being of the devil, was wrong, what if Witches, or would they be considered Wiccans ? A few thoughts were in fact touched by the lord and savior Jesus and his father to further bring about his word and blessings to the true believers of the bible. However the rest of those watching were just generally stunned, magic was real? they were going to see a world where it is used for war? 'Wasn't magic supposed to be used for good and peaceful purposes?' Which the general thought of those who had never seen nor understood the machinations of war.

To the veterans it was all too clear, as more than a few were steeling themselves for what they were going to witness, and prayed a little that their own horrors would not surface from their time in war.

Meanwhile in the situation room, President Reagan, the granddaughter of Ronald Reagan marched in the room with the most annoyed face in the entire room. And it wasn't just because of these portals, it was because Clinton called her to his offices. 'I swear to god, if he flirts with me again, I'm going to burn his crotch.' After finally getting the secret service agents off of him, he saw Jackie Reagan walking in with her guard detail in tow.

 "Okay Jackie, what the hell is going on." Bill said in an oddly serious tone, "I just got tackled by my own agents because of that..." he pointed to the portal in the situation room "Thing that appeared in the room." Reagan takes a closer look at the portal before giving it a poke. This caused a rush of energy flow through her being making her feel strangely more powerful but as soon as she pulled out the energy was gone. Bill looked at her strangely, "Jackie why did you boop the portal'' He said, "You don't go around booping strange portals, especially when you don't know where it's been." "At least I know it does flirt with me every time it sees me." Reagan counters "Aw come on Baby, you know I love you, and I want to be with you" Bill shot back. "And you know I don't like anyone." Reagan retorted, with a tone of annoyance. "Look we can get into this later, but for now we need to find out where this thing came from, and if this thing is what that voice said it is." Bill said "Well, it's magic. That's something I can say for certain. But if it's from God... I honestly can't say for sure." Reagan said as she looked back at the portal. Bill looked on. "Well that escalated quickly" he said, all Jackie did was nod in agreement, not really knowing what to say at the moment.

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