Excitement Is What I Feel.

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Zara POV

It was a few days after the family meal that made me open up to my older brothers, but there is always a nagging feeling in the back of my head.

I want to get to know my brothers again, but apart of me has the deep rooted resentment towards them, but I love them.

Other than that nagging feeling, physically I've been doing better. The midnight cravings for the drugs that use to fill my mind have subsided. I still can't feel my legs, but I am accepting of my new fate. I've learned to maneuver my body in ways that I can stay independent in my wheelchair, only asking for help when necessary. I don't want to cry anymore over something I can't change.

Another positive is that I am done with high school. With enough credits I was able to graduate. Downside is I have so much time on my hands and nothing to do. I'm not sure if I am ready to jump into college after everything, even if it most likely I would do it online.

The only thing that will be filling my time in the next few weeks is the therapy and physical therapy sessions. I'm excited for that. Note the sarcasm.

My brothers have continued their daily routines and have added me into the mix. Making sure every morning is greeted with a hug and smile, it's been a tremendous difference from what I'm used to. There was always someone with me at home, but I wanted to change it up.

Today I decided I want to get out of the house. Not that I have been forced into the house, it was more by choice on my end. I plan on possibly asking Sammy to go to work with him.

"Good morning baby." The sound of Sammy voice fills my room providing a comforting feeling. He came over a kissed my forehead wiping away my hair from my face.

"Morning Sammy." I smiled.

"You need any help this morning? All the boys are in the kitchen about to eat breakfast."

"No I'm okay, I was wondering though. Do you think I can maybe go with you today? I need to get out of the house."
He smiled at me. I think he was worried about me not wanting to join the outside world again.

"Absolutely. That would be great. The office is pretty big, and has pretty easy access. I could give you the tour is you want? There's also a library right next to us, so if you want we can check that out." He smiled seemingly excited.

"Yeah, that would be fun. I love libraries it's been so long since I went to one." I am a huge fan of libraries, this could be my new favorite spot.

"Awesome, I'll let you get dress and then we can get and head out." I smiled at my brothers excitement, I was pretty excited myself.

I got dressed in a simple yet comfortable outfit. It was almost summer, the weather was hot in Southern California.

After finishing up my morning routine I had established, I made my way into the kitchen to greet my other brothers.

"Good morning everyone." I said as my other brothers greeted me back with hugs.

" I hear your coming to the office today." Theo said.

"Yeah I wanted to get out of the house."

"We'll I'm glad your coming." Theo said with a bright smile.

"Have fun today Zee. Love you." Flynn said with a kiss to my head.

"I will. Love you too. Work hard at school."

"Me never." Flynn said with a serious face, I lightly laughed.

"He's smart, just doesn't like to show it. Love you." Ezra said with a scoff. I smile up at him as he bent to kiss my forehead.

"Love you too, keep him in check." He winked at me.

"My turn. I'll miss you have fun today. Love you." Declan said.

"I'll miss you too Bubba. Love you." I could tell me calling him Bubba brighten up his day, with that he kissed my forehead too.

After our goodbyes the twins and Declan headed off to college. The twins are graduating soon and Declan has a year left.

Theo got ready to head to work in his own car, when I asked why he didn't just go to work with Sammy, he told me he loves the feeling of being in his own car. I didn't question further.

I decided to ride with Sammy to his work.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I packed a bag with my computer and stuff. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course it is, I'm glad you did. You can use them if you get bored, I'll get you the Wi-Fi password for the building."
I smiled at him and we got into his car. Him helping me fold up my chair.

I decided to start up conversation.

"I know you build hotel and restaurants, but what exactly do you do?"

"We'll I am more along the lines of the overseer. Nothing happens unless it goes through me first and then Theo. We have meetings to discuss ideas and plans for hotel and restaurants all around the world. Currently we have about 500 different locations of hotel and restaurants established in our company name." I was shocked.

He and Theo work so hard to build their company from the ground up. To say I was I impressed was an understatement.

"That is so impressive Sammy. I really am proud of you. All of you."

"Thank you sweetheart. You don't know how happy that makes me feel" He looked over

The rest of the drive was quiet with the sound of the radio in the back.

I was happy with how my life was going so far. Excitement is what I feel.

Hi Butterflies 🦋

I'm so sorry about the late updates. I finally got a day off and made sure to update this book. I'm not gonna promise a next upload date, but just know this book will never be abandoned.

Thank you for reading and let me know if you see any mistakes.

Love you
Bella 💙

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