Chapter 33

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Evelyn's Pov

"Eat this more! It's so many food! Have this" Anne said loudly while putting many food in my plate, Thomas controlled his laugh while Queen Vanessa and Katherine were looking at Anne weirdly "Who is this strange girl?" Katherine asked.

I stopped eating and tilted my head to look at her "that would be my friend, now is it weird for a friend to give food?" I asked, Katherine dropped her fork and looked at me "No, but it is weird for a person to be so talkative infront of the royals. She's not even from a royal blood" Katherine said while rolling her eyes before continuing to eat.

Vanessa slapped Katherine's hand and glared at her, Anne tried to stand up and talk back but I held her back down. I clicked my tongue "What do you think a mouth use for? For us to smell? I'm sure you know it, even a child knows of it. Why cant you?" I asked again. they both looked at me and Katherine gripped her spoon tightly.

I smiled innocently and continued to eat, Thomas was smiling proudly through our conversation "I'm done, I dont like seeing these woman infront of me" I said with a plain smile, I know this isn't about being rude. But this woman is getting out of line, standing up and taking Anne, Carl with me.

Thomas Pov

I released a chuckle and leaned on the chair, Katherine and Vanessa looked at me "You already pissed my wife off" I said, Katherine looked down and clenched her fist "I was trying to b-" I cutted her off "I didn't tell you to speak!" I said loudly, making their mouths shut. I swear Mom told me before that it's not a friendship of them they are aiming, it's our money.

I stood up from the chair, calling the maids "Clean the mess, you finish your food and go to your chamber" I said coldly before walking out the dining room, I remember how Vanessa tried flirting with my Father when I was a kid and I didn't know about it, now I will take my revenge.

Katherine's Pov

As Thomas left, I yelled loudly and Mother quickly held my back "Kath, don't be angry yet." She said, I groaned and turned around "We are not getting the respect like we do before father was alive! We are getting poorer, mother!" I said loudly, worry of our lives.

Mother tried to calm me down, but I feel like wanting to scream angrily. "I tried flirting the King long time ago but it was not working! Now you should go and make the first move, break that Evelyn's trust of Thomas" She said, I widened my eyes and looked at her with my tears of anger "What are you talking about"

She then looked around and whispered "I have a plan to do, if you are clever then follow what I will say" I nodded my head, listening carefully "You have to be the Queen of this kingdom, we will be richer than anyone!" Mother said, I nodded quickly "I will, mother and I will destroy that Evelyn first!" I said angrily.

Mother nodded and caressed my cheek "Yes, child. Go and take that crown, it truly belongs to you and only you!" She said proudly, standing up properly while staring at the wall "Oh, I will, mother and I promise we'll have a better roof to live" I said.

Jack's Pov

I arrived at the kingdom of Mithorine after a some of the guards took me in, the guards pushed me in the ground and I stay down until i heard footsteps coming "So, this must be the commander" A man in a deep voice said.

Looking up slowly to see a man with a crown, I quickly looked down "Your Majesty" I said while looking down, He chuckled "Please, call me Nikolai. I took you here because I have something to talk about with you" Nikolai said.

I nodded my head, one of his mens untied me and I followed the Prince. I sat on the couch while looking down, Nikolai tilted his head and chuckled at me "Don't be afraid, I just want to ask about the woman name Evelyn" He said, that's when I raised my head.

Furrowing my brows, how did he know about Evelyn "now tell me, Jack" Nikolai leaned his head on the table, I looked at him confusedly "what about Evelyn?" I asked, Nikolai seemed shock for me to know of her "oh! You must be a friend of her" He exclaimed.

Nodding my head before tilting my head "What do you want to know about her?" I asked, Nikolai hummed against his glass of wine "I visited the Palace yesterday and it seems like i'm taking an interest of this woman" He said, I feel jealous all of a sudden but kept myself silent.

"That woman you talked about is married" I replied calmly, Nikolai smirked and stood up "Looks like you forgot that you also taken an interest with that married woman" He said, I was surprised that he knew about me. "I did take an interest with her before she was married, but you taken an interest of her when she's already married" I replied while crossing my arms.

Nikolai clenched his fist and turned around "No matter what, I'll get rid of that Thomas. Will you help me?" He asked, I grow curious. "Why would I?" I asked back, Nikolai chuckled "He kicked you out as the commander amd out of the palace, right? Don't you want a place to live, May I suggest here?" He suggested with a smirk in his lips.

Only questions to ask then, but I'll make sure too he won't get Evelyn. Nodding my head slowly "I'm listening" I said simply, Nikolai licked his lip while smirking and slowly sat back on the chair "How did Evelyn and Thomas met?" He asked, I caressed my temple and thought about it "Thomas helped Evelyn catched a crocodile" I replied coldly.

Nikolai furrowed his brows and looked at me if i am lying or not, I look at him calmly "how did they end up meeting together?" He asked with a brow raised, I looked down for a while "Simply, Evelyn was a commoner living in the village of Ellesmere. She has 2 friends and their daily doings is to catch fish to buy and earn money" I said.

He nodded and kept looking at me seriously, Nikolai then poured a wine in my glass "Yes, continue" He said, I tilted my head "And Thomas found Evelyn trying to catch a crocodile, one of her friend died while they both did not care and just communicate to each other" I said with a plain voice, I am trying hard not to laugh.

Nikolai started to get suspicious, he scratched his hair "Is evelyn that kind of person to leave her friend?" He asked, maybe Nikolai is expecting for Evelyn to be kind and smart, we'll make it opposite to make him dislike and leave her.

I nodded my head, looking at him seriously "Yes, I liked her because she was beautiful. That's all" I said, my laugh is going out! That's when I bursted out in laughter. Nikolai glared at me and slammed his hand on the table "What's so funny?!" He asked with a loud voice.

I tried stopping myself, slowly pinching my arm as I stopped laughing and look at him coldly "Well, I remembered a funny moment of them too. Even Thomas finds their story hilarious" I said while nodding my head, Nikolai looked into my eyes for a hint of lie but I stay calm and coldly stare at him back.

Nikolai slammed the papers on the table, I know he doesnt believe me but he knew he had to trust me. "Your Chamber" He said while throwing a key to the air and I quickly catched it before bowing down "Thank you, Your Majesty" I said simply.

He looked at me for a while "Wait, were not done yet. We'll continue tomorrow and make sure to ready your brain" Nikolai said, I nodded and bowed down again "Yes, Your Majesty" I said, As I turned around and made my way to my new chamber then a smirk made a way to my lips. Nikolai is the one to fix and ready his brain because I'm going to brainwash him with my loverly made up stories.

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