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My ears pulse under a rubber-like substance. My head feels like it'll split open any second now. I open my eyes due to the sheer amount of pain I'm in.

I see nothing but a door leading into a hallway.

Several minutes later and I'm back on my feet. Peeling away at the ear shaped rubber casting around my ears. They look to be resin molds. Who in the world pours resin in someone's ears?

My question was answered unfortunately. A large black oozing pool starts to take coverage at my feet. I'm compelled to get up and follow it into the hallway. I took a swift glance around the room- a mattress in the right corner- that was all. The mattress is supposed to be mine, maybe.

Perhaps my unlucky kidnapper have set me up with a roommate. How fortunate that said roommate isn't here right now, this would be a lot more difficult to do with a person you must provide with emotion. I prefer to keep them under wraps, they do no good for me. Not anymore.

I carry my feet in stride as I march into the hallway. I seem to have reached the end of it, noticing the very noticeable contrast between the molding wallpaper that draped the walls, to the room made out of pure glass. Odd? Very much so.

My clothes looked untampered with. I still dawned the clothes I had worn to my evening into the woods. The woods... oh, yeah! No need to worry! I came here by will!

I make my way into the glass room. All walls are covered with a thick layer of seemingly bullet proof glass. Immediately noticing the large clad in black being in front of me. The creature wore a simple black hoodie, dark grey sweatpants, and an oval sized mask. Unlike the rest of the creature's outfit, the mask was a deep yet almost revolting blue. The mask not only was this distracting color, it also had a similar black ooze to the one one the floor- dripping from the circular black eye holes.

Way to be entirely creepy dude. They looked down at me, not because of disrespect, but more because they were incredibly tall. Standing at a solid 7 feet. At least.

They don't say anything, so I say nothing back. They place their palm to the glass cage. The heat of the palm makes the surrounding glass fog up.

I walk over to where they stand and stay still. They tilt their head in confusion. "Do you know why you're here?", it asks, surprising me a little. The voice of the "creature" was very much human sounding. Sounding like your typical 20ish year old male. However, behind the voice was almost a weak rasp. This person needs hydration. Wait, I remember already saying that.... this must be my stalker from before!

"I suppose it's because we're meant to be roommates?", I respond, mimicking his curious head tilt. He takes a step forward, obviously shocked that I replied. I can't help but think I hit a nerve with this thing. I hope to arceus that it's a good one.

"You look very lonely, do you have any friends?" The man asks. "Uhhhhhhhhh.. nope!" I say as I take a good look around the room the man resided in. It looked just like the hallway, except the wallpaper was more lively compared to the old moldy one on my side. A simple bed, a dresser, a bookshelf, and a bunch of posters plastered on the walls.

Seemed to be a normal room. "So, why am I here?" I ask, tilting my head again. "To be my friend! Since you don't have any yourself,I thought maybe we would be a good match!" the man says, taking a big step towards the glass, now pressing himself up against it fully. If they already knew the answer why ask again?

He sounded very energetic once pronouncing that out loud. So I did have a roommate. Why? I put on a smile to calm the man down, assuming that he wanted an expression from me. I guessed correctly it would seem, as he jumps up and down and finally backs away.

This is certainly...new. Oh well, I have nothing better to do! Really, I don't. I spend all of my time outdoors, finding it the most interesting of things the world can give me. That, and hack at people with my axe, hah.

The man comes back, this time with a big ball. It's not a new ball, seeing how it has large woven patches all over it. He pushes open a slight opening to the glass enclosure, and walks inside. I blink once or twice, how did I miss that detail beforehand? He bounds towards me and stops before he knocks me over with his more than normally large body.

Taking the hint, I go back a few steps. He very gently bounces the ball in my direction. I caught it. He waves his hands in his direction, so I bounce the ball back towards him. He giggles, and runs to me. I don't even flinch as he wraps his oversized arms around me and holds me 2 feet in the air. I somehow knew he wouldn't hurt me. What an awful excuse for a creature. They're like a human, a very large and monocrome color human. Not very creature like. Well at least they're attitude isn't. They seem to be some sort of demon. I'm guessing.... a cavern demon! That'll explain the height, and strength. Also, the liking towards darker clothing!

A single drop of sweat leaves my brow as he brings me into a tight hug. His body heat radiating a large amount of warmth towards my direction all at once. I could of sworn he was cold just a second ago. He sets me down a little roughly, making me stumble a little. He reaches out a hand, that's when I notice his skin. It's an ashen grey, with the tips of his fingers being pure black. His fingernails also came to a sharp point.

However, he stops mid way, and retracts his hand. Instead of helping, he whips his head in the direction of what I assume is a door. He leaves behind the ball, and rushes out of the enclosure.

Silently closing the door to the glass box. He speed walks to the spot he was before. Taking the hint, I hide the ball inside of my room. "Apologies, someone is going to come into this room to check up on- us." he says, moving away from the glass completely.

Sure enough, he was right. A loud knock is heard to the right of me. The door opens.


|𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐| A creepypasta story/Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now