I used to be human

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My name is Alexandra Underwood and I am no longer human. I was 6 years old when my father came home one night after pulling a long shift at his job. He was not known to be violent but this night he entered our home acting different like he was hungry and stared at us as if we was food. I was watching tv when my mom approached him. She screamed and threw him out of the house and looked the door. I moved my attention to my mom as she was grabbing her neck. I got up and she rushed me into my room and put me under my bed and said "you need to stay under here until I say." I asked "what's wrong with daddy?" She frown and said "I'm not sure baby but stay under till I say." She left my room shutting the door. I heard dad pounding on the front door as he let out muffled screams. This is when mom started to talk with the police and said "yes, I need the police. My husband attacked me and is breaking down the front door.... No, I'm not sure what is in him. He just suddenly attacked me. It's me and our daughter. She is in her room, okay please hurry." My mom screamed again as the front door splintered open. I could now hear my dad letting out growling and hissing as if he was a wild animal. I heard my mom run down the hall and start throwing stuff, till she ran back through the hall again. In a muffled voice I heard her say "please don't make me, please just stop." My dad didn't listen as the front door gave way my mom fired three rounds and with a loud thump, I crawled from out of my bed to see what happened. I peeked from my door to see my mom crying over my dad as he laid on the ground with blood pouring from his chest. My mom looked up at me and said "honey, go to your ro...," before she could finish her sentence dad came back to life and attacked her biting her in the neck with a snake like tongue. This is when I screamed which got my dad's attention. He turned to me with mom's blood dripping from his mouth as the snake-like tongue went back into his mouth.  My mom was violently shaking on the ground as if she was having a seizure. I ran into my room as dad dashed for my room. I tried crawling under the bed but he grabbed me and bit my neck as he drained me of my blood. On the break of death the cops showed up and shot my dad multiple times till he stopped moving. 

That night the whole family was changed, my father dead and mom missing with me being changed whiled my body laid at the morgue. I woke up in the storage with the rest of the dead. I opened the door and crawled out and was face to face with the mortgation. He froze up till I said "where is my mommy." This made him step backwards but he tripped on his own feet and hit his head on the way down. I felt this unbelievable hunger, unlike anything before. Seeing his blood sizzle from his new gash on the back of his head. I couldn't do anything but dig in. My bottom jaw split open and a snake like tongue came out of my mouth and sunken itself into the gash in the guys head. With a loud crunch my tongue made its way into his skull. Piece by piece I began to eat his brain, flashes of pictures appeared through my eyes one by one began to make sense as I learned everything this man knew. His past loves, his dreams, his family, everything about him laid out before me. I jumped when I was snapped out of my feasting by a girl screaming. My tongue retreated back into my mouth and my jaw snapped back in place. She quickly left the room in a rush, I waited for a moment as I wiped the blood from my face as I stumbled out of the room into a church like hallway. I looked around before walking through the halls till coming across a family mourning a lost loved one. That was until they noticed a naking pale skinned 6 year old standing in the doorway. Some stared at me as others approached me. This is when a man I never met came down the hall and wrapped me with his jacket and said "there you are darling! Thank god I found you. I was so worried." This seemed to have the other calm down and return to there morning. The man carried me outside and put me into the trunk of his car and closed it on me. I didn't really know what to do but sit there and wait. Eventually he came back and got in the car and started to drive to the middle of the woods where he planned on to kill me. This man was a hunter, but not in the normal sense. He was given the case on my family and was on his way to see if he could find any leads on what happened to my family. Unfortunately for him he was not the only one looking for me. The car came to a stop and the trunk opened the the night sky with the moon shining down through the trees. He pulled me out of the trunk and said "what are you?" I looked at him strange and chuckled as I said "I'm human?" He shook his head and said "humans don't drink blood and eat other humans brains. So you better be honest and tell me what you are." I shrugged and said "I'm a 6 year old girl sir. My name is Alexander Underwood, my mommy is.... Where is my mom and dad?" He sighed deeply as he said "they are in front of the car." I smiled as I turned the corner and went to the front of the car till I heard the man fire his gun.  I turned around to see a very big woman smashing his with her bare fist. This is when mom grabbed my hand and said "honey, are you okay?" I nodded and said " uh uh!" She smiled and said "dad was busy at work and told us to go to a mansion where we will be safe and you can get plenty or food." 

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