So You're Rich Then? -Chapter 10

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TW: Threats of Violence


It's been hours—actually, it's been 4 hours and 36 minutes to be exact—since Danny's message was sent. Jazz was pacing back and forth in her hotel room. She knew she should sleep, but she couldn't bring herself to. She told herself that she was going to wait up until her brother got back.

But she didn't need to worry... Right? He's fine... he's just not answering her messages, or her phone calls, or has given her any indication whether he is okay at all! No, Danny is fine, she just needs to keep telling herself that.

He's been gone for two days at a time before, and he didn't tell her then. But that was mostly because he was kidnaped or something really important and life-threatening came up. But he always tries to tell her first.

He has been through a lot and has fought against people and creatures that could squash her in a second. He's just taking a breath. He couldn't be hurt, he could take care of himself. It's only been 4 hours and 40 minutes. Nothing is wrong. His phone must have died. It does that sometimes. He forgets to charge it often before he leaves. He was listening to music in the family assault vehicle to drown out their parents.

He just needs his space. It's common for teenage boys to want space, especially if it is from overbearing sisters, or parents that are always talking about dissecting him and the rest of his species. Ahhh, why can't she be a better sister and help him!?

Okay, he will be back soon, Gotham is a big place, maybe he got lost. There is no way he could have been captured by the hundreds of hunters in the city at the moment. He couldn't have flown too close to Wayne enterprises and gotten kidnaped. He couldn't be strapped down to a dissection table right now and screaming for help, or being carted off to a government lab at this very moment. No, he was fine. And that was what she was going to keep telling herself until he got home. 4 hours and 43 minutes.


Okay, first things first. Phantom had gotten them kidnapped. Okay, Tim could deal with this. He has been kidnapped before, as a vigilante and as Tim Drake. Even twice before he was taken in by Bruce. The second time his parents didn't even pay the ransom fee cause they didn't even know that he got kidnaped cause they were out of the country. The goons ended up taking pity on Tim and letting him go after about a week.

But now, this seemed to Tim to be Phantom's first time being kidnaped. Well besides the interrogation that Bruce was trying to give him in the cave. Tim needed to walk him through it before he panicked even more. That was the last thing he needed right now. If Phantom panicked it could make this whole situation a lot worse. And it also seems that when one of them panics they both do. Which makes coming up with a plan a whole lot harder for Tim.

The blindfold was ripped off harshly, not like they would do it any other way. Phantom was as stiff as a bord, he was frozen as he looked up at the man. He was tall and muscular and had a cheap ski mask on over his face to hide his features. Good, that means for sure that they want to let them go after. Now they just had to get through this.

Phantom narrowed his eyes. He was trying to push down the fear he was feeling. "What do you want with us!?"

"Alright kid, listen up." Good, he missed Phantom's slip. "If you cooperate it will be easier for us and a lot less painful for you." The man leaned forward and put his face right in front of Tim's. "Maybe you won't even have to lose a finger." He could see rotting teeth from the hole cut in the mask and the man also had brown eyes. Phantom bit his tongue and leaned back into the chair at the man as he got closer. Tim could tell he was trying to bite back a remark.

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