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PSA: this is terribly written. I was very young when i started writing this. I have learned so much since writing this book, so please don't start with the petty comments and the grammar shit because I KNOW.

this book is only going back up because people have been constantly asking and complaining about me taking it down. So here you guys goooo!


9 year old carlo walked down the street from his school, with his backpack beating against his back. He was so little that the backpack didn't even fit.

He had tears down his eyes, crying because his mom didn't come get him from school which was very unusual . She always came to get him, it didn't matter what she had planned or what she was going to do.

He had finally gotten to his apartment, he walked up the stairs to his apartment door. He wiped his tears as he approached his door. Which was apartment 34b. His mom always made him remember the number in case of emergency.

He pounded on the door not getting an answer. He kept pounding as tears kept falling. "momma" he yelled wiggling the door knob.

the door flew open a minute later, revealing a big tall man. He was in all black looking down at Carlo. He had on a ski mask so Carlo couldn't actually see who the man was.

he just knew that these people weren't supposed to be in his house. he knew something was going on because on top of his mom not coming to get him and now this man answering the door..

he just could feel that something wasn't right..

"aye trick, it's a lil boy down here looking for his momma" the man laughed yelling back into Carlos apartment.

"ha-have you seen my mommy" Carlo stuttered, his shirt being wet because of the tears hitting it.

"man come here" the man snatched Carlo into the house

"Dre who this nigga" trick came and looked at Carlo who's bottom lip was shivering as he looked down

"that must be his momma" Carlo looked up to see his mom tied up but she was knocked out

"ayo bitch" Dre knocked Carlos mom (kayla) awake wit his gun

Kayla came awake she looked around and she first saw her son who was crying and she started crying and yelling but she had a sock in her mouth so you couldn't understand what she was saying.

dre bent down taking the sock out of her mouth, because he wanted to know what the fuck she was saying.

"hey hey skeeta" kayla spoke; moving around a bit. She wanted to get to her son so bad, but she just couldn't because of her being tied up.

"y'all food bussin up in here" a fat man came out of there kitchen wit some bread in his hand

"man tay put that shit up" trick said shaking his head

"oh my bad" tay said looking at Carlo

"who the nigga- nigga shut the fuck up" trick said and tay immediately did so

"now ima ask you one more time, where the fuck is my money bitch" Dre said getting in Kayla's face

kayla was a prostitute, and she had been ever since she got pregnant wit Carlo, and that's why she didn't know Carlos dad.

not that his dad was far, he was very close around.

Dre was her pimp, and they had been messing around as well. But Kayla tried to be slick and steal some money from him. She thought he wouldn't notice since it wasn't a big sum.And she had used it for something's for carlo to go to school wit. Since he had just started 3 grade.

Kayla shook her head, which made Dre enraged
"This bitch wants to die" Dre said he pulled out his gun putting it on her forehead. Carlo started crying more and more. He was scared.

"Dre pleasee" Kayla screamed yelling out to him

"say goodbye to yo son" Dre said cocking the gun back, tears went down Kayla's face as her eyes got more red

"skeeta, I love you baby" Kayla said tucking her bottom lip trying not to cry anymore

"But mommy- close your eyes skeeta" Kayla cut carlo off and he did as she said. He closed his eyes and covered his whole body with his arms. Tucking his legs into his arms.

four gun shots went off, every one made carlo jump. He thought he was next. He sat there for some minutes. When he opened his eyes all the guys were gone.

He looked over at his mom who was now on the floor. Blood was coming out of her from every way. He looked at his mom as she sat in a pool of her own blood.

"mommaa" carlo cried out to her

"Momma" carlo crawled over to her, he shook her. He felt that his moms body was cold. He cried and cried until his neighbor (tremain) came running into there apartment.

So how y'all like it??? Vote Vote Voteeeee🙂

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