Chap 13 Pet

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In your chambers all you could do was sit in bed and weep while trembling with fear for yourself. There was no way of telling day from night, just hours that stretched.
Never knowing when he would enter your chambers. The day he bedded you, who knows how long ago that was.

You knew you were trapped here with crazys. Believing Poseidon just wanted you as a pet. A little thing to keep around his kingdom.

As far as you were aware he never asked for you or even looked for you. He never came to sleep with you. You were unaware of his doings. The people that worked or lived within his kingdom avoided or laughed at you. So you felt like your voice was useless..

Just a cry lost in the ocean's void.

It was just that one night. "I'm not the only one.." you whispered sadly. Knowing he must have hundreds of other women or men to his desire.

It's best if you forget about him. Focus on saving yourself.

But how can you degrade yourself like that?

"Forget?" The God of the seas was abusive to you from the start. Not even death saved you from him. But, ever since he brought you back from Hades, he seemed more gentle.
The vibrance of your titan was impeccable to the rest. Known to be the Zeus of the seas, Posideon.

Such a creature of flawless grace and beauty. Eyes that were blue as the sky were like the reflection of the ocean's waves.
Such a being to ever be interested in someone like you? Someone who licks the Cheeto cheese off your finger.

Today, you learned what a foolish girl you were. Even if his punishments were no longer toward you they were being directed to others. There wasn't a single thing you could do. Hades and Posideon argued in conversation as if nothing had happened.

"Are other people's lives my fault?" Crying yourself to sleep believing that while you were here alive and well. Hundreds of thousands of people have perished because of today.

These high beings didn't care for you or the people..
They lived in their own little world. No fear of death or age.

Even when you attempted to summon Hades it was impossible. That communication was broken. He wouldn't have kissed you because you have let him. If Poseidon would have just waited and see that you were going to smash the jellyfish in Hades face.

But he didn't. Posideon doesn't trust you..

At night when you were sound asleep an arm reached around your waist pulling you in closely. Trying to look over your shoulder you felt hot breath against your neck. Nuzzling his face between neck and shoulder. "I-" you stopped unsure of what to even say.
You slept with him never moving a muscle, he was silent, alert throughout the night.

You were awake still cradled against him but you didn't speak or move.
"You're awake."
His teeth nipped at your neck and shoulder.
"Poseidon I?" You tried to speak only to have him cover your mouth.

"Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." Removing his hand from your mouth to feel him exploring your body already. For all you knew he killed hundreds of people with his rage and he thinks it's about you? You could only imagine where the earthquakes had caused damage.

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