Chapter 1

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Lucy watched as her new stepson ate heartily at her wedding. He was mesmerizing. As she watched him, he shot her a quick smile from across the room. Lucy returned it, before shyly looking away. She knew what she was feeling wasn't right; she had just married his father after all, but he looked so good sat there eating: Jack had her captivated.


Jack was 18 years-old, not that tall at 5'8" but he was energetic and strong for his age. He was captain of his local community college soccer team. In addition to his athletic pursuits, he was also a Dean's List honor student. He had a lot going for him.

What also helped make Jack so popular was his personality. He was one of the most charming guys in college and had friends to spare. However, it was his body that caused most warm-blooded women to stare with carnal lust.

His body was powerful, fit, and muscular from his workouts and sport. His face was handsome, with a strong jaw and thick short blond hair. He was what the world would call "a hunk." Jack had always taken care of his body, not a fanatic, not a health nut, or exercise freak, but he was conditioned and kept his diet in proportion.

That was the Jack that everyone knew and loved. However, he had been having thoughts that were new and unique to him. They scared him. You see, Jack was having the first desires of a new-born feedee. Totally out of his control, he would want to stuff himself until he couldn't take another bite, as all those calories would slowly turn his sleek body to soft flab. He tried with all his might to bury these thoughts. They were not normal, but the boners they caused were undeniable. Initially, he fought it with his willpower and won.


Now, at 18, his life was changing for the better it seemed. His father was marrying Lucy, a woman he had been dating for the last few months. She was 5'11" tall, a gorgeous brunette, very buxom & voluptuous, and she was wealthy too --not incredibly--but she would ease some of the financial strain he and his father suffered. The local chain of grocery stores she owned ensured that they would always have food on the table.

Jack's real mother had left when he was three and Jack felt Lucy would fill a void inside him.

What a day the wedding was! Jack got drunk for the first time in his life and made quite a scene: stumbling, dancing and laughing. He had a great time.

After the wedding was over, he sat alone with his new step-mom. He was getting emotional as the alcohol was taking full-effect. Jack went on and on about how happy he was that she was now officially part of his life, and that he now had her around to talk to and hug. He tried to ignore how he really felt when Lucy pressed her fabulous H-cup breasts against his chest (well, almost in his face, what with her height - especially in heels), and when she kissed his cheek with her hot pink lips.

Jack felt he could confide in her. All his guards were down; all his willpower was swept aside. They talked about everything that night. Finally, Jack asked the question he had been building up to. "Lucy, what do you think about people who deliberately want to gain-weight?"

She looked at him, stunned. "Jack" she asked, "Why would you ask such a question?"

Jack blushed, and let the beans spill. Inside he could not believe he was letting this out, but on the other hand it felt so good. He told her about his weird fantasies of gaining-weight and letting himself turn into the largest amount of flab gathered anywhere on the planet. God, he was even talking immobility.

Lucy had no idea what to say to him, for she was trying to hide the wettest pussy she had ever felt in her life. It was actually soaking through her dress. Could it be that someone shared her desire? Lucy was a fat admirer and a feeder, but her own fantasies of fattening a man beyond imagination were buried long ago. She was now a 27 year-old woman that had just married Jack's 50 year-old father.

She was lost in her own imagination when Jack's father showed up.

"Oh, um, Hi honey," Lucy said, getting up to kiss her groom on the cheek. "Jack and I were just talking about how he feels having a stepmom in the house now."

Jack's father smiled as Lucy gave Jack a wink.


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