Chapter 12

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Dead men told no lies. I killed Tommy and gave him some honesty. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to pursue it. If I didn't, it would continue to haunt me, regardless of how my life turned out. I'd go to bed thinking of what he said; I'd wake up with the thought. The idea of the truth would blend with my shadow and follow me down the street. And shit, who wanted to deal with that? Not me.

Kimi wanted me to let it go, but she knew I wouldn't. Which was why she sat at her computer pulling up the last address she associated with Tommy and everyone else; a house owned by a man I'd never heard of. Luis Rafael Marquis.

"When I was digging for info, I'd found this house, but," Kimi leaned back in her office chair as she looked at the computer's screen, "the name threw me off."

"Rafael Marquis?" Anthony stayed, lying on the medical bed. He sat up when he heard the name. His brows lifted. "I heard of him."

I rubbed my chin. "Who is he?"

Anthony shrugged. "I never met him. He's just a name you know on the streets," he said. "He fills the corners with the product, and all the money goes back to him, but I don't know for sure. I'm just a little guy."

I narrowed my gaze. I told Anthony to stay off the streets, go to school, and not make the same mistakes I'd made. Thanks to this rebel, I got a clue. "Who do you give your money to?" I asked.

"This dude named James, but even he's little." Anthony dropped his hands on his lap. "We're just kids on the block. That's it."

Rafael was smart. He didn't share power. Made the streets believe they had control; money did that to people. They got funds for the product, sold it, and a portion stayed in their pockets. Rinse and repeat. Anthony was within that chain.

"So, you don't know who James answers to?" I asked.

Anthony shrugged.

"Alright, fine," I looked back at Kimi's screen, "so, can you send me this location? I can go to it now and—"

"I can, but," Kimi cut me off, "Griff wanted to talk to you."

Griff? Why? What the fuck for? I wrapped my hand around the back of Kimi's chair. My right slid over my bare chest. The subtle ridges from my surgical scars reminded me of my agreement; the fine print at the bottom. If Paxton calls, I answer.

"Why?" I asked but focused on the screen. The address wasn't too far. I could bere in twenty minutes.

"I um," Kimi's nails slid over her keyboard, "sent in the error report."

My head dropped. I was supposed to finish my revenge before she set them; she said she'd wait. Tommy had been a detour. I wasn't done. With a new person on the list, I couldn't quit. Not now. Not tomorrow. If I found this guy, then I'd find out what happened to Mark and where he was. I need to tell him I forgive him.

Kimi turned in her chair. "I'm sorry," she said. "When Anthony brought you in, and the condition you were in, I, I—"

I sighed. "You panicked. I get it." I weakly smiled. "You thought the error report would help me."

Kimi nodded. Her smile was more apologetic than anything. "I was afraid I lost you."

That was different. There wasn't an apology there, but love. A deeper love than what was normal for us. More than her being my technician, more than being my friend. I saw it in her eyes and heard it in her heavy heartbeat. You can't love me, Kimi. Please, don't.

"You didn't." I cleared my throat and stepped back. "Just um," my fingers slid over my chin, "what was in the report, and what will he ask?"

She looked down at her hands as she picked at her nails, "I noted elevated adrenaline levels and heart rate and the error." She lifted her eyes and stared into mine. "Your enhancements shutting themselves down is dangerous."

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