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karnation tied her shoes as she grabbed her keys.

today was the funeral for Kai and Armani.

tori planned everything, she was happy she didn't think she would be able too.

karnation was putting on a act but everybody knew she wasn't ok at all.

they also knew she didn't want any pity so they checked in on her a few times and left her alone.

she was grateful for that.

"you can do this" nation mumbled to herself pulling off.

"you look so nice" tori smiled pulling her into a hug

"thank you" nation watched as the church filled.

"i'm not going in"

"you have too, it's the last time you'll see them" zaeland told her.

"i can't see them in a casket"

"so how you got bury them then?" baili sighed.

"i won't go"

"you have too nation, stop being that way" tori eyed her.

"i'm not being a way, i'm just scared"

"of what?" baili questioned.

"seeing them in the casket lifeless, living alone without either of them" nation explained.

"we understand perfectly, but you have to lay them to rest it's only right"

"i know and I will just need to sit out here a while" nation told her.

"ok i'll be to get you when it's starting" tori walked off with everybody inside.

nation sat down and took a deep breath.

nervous wasn't the word.

she was more scared then anything, seeing the love of your life nd your baby in a casket wasn't a easy sight.

she closed her eyes exhaling.

"you'll be ok" she repeated to herself repeatedly.

"sis come on" booka said stuffing his hands in his pocket.

she opened her eyes and stood to her feet.

"come on" he held his hand out.

she grabbed it and walked inside with him.

they walked to the front row and sat down.

her eyes landed on the caskets.

one for Armani and one for Kai.

"here" they handed her the obituary.

she smiled looking at how it was designed.

"this is pretty, you did this ?" she asked tori.

"yeah , i said i was gone do everything"

"i appreciate you"

the pastor walked to the podium and everybody went silent.

"is he gone talk?" E man asked seeing he was just standing there.

"we've come together to pay tribute and respect to a father , son , brother and lover... we've also come to pay respect to a young soul lost to early"

karnation listened to the speech not feeling any tears.

"would the mother and girlfriend like to come and say a few words?" the pastor looked at nation.

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