A Real Child (Sun/Moon)

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    Hellooooooo Again Everyone this chapter was a request by User: CandyAppleBoba

    In this story you are a child, an animatronic child to be exact so this story will be all fluff and a parent child relationship, THIS IS NOT a chapter about a romantic relationship between y/n and sun/moon.

Also, college applications have begun💀 (I wanna die already) but that means updates may be a little iffy, I'll still update just prolly not on a schedule

As always I hope everyone is well and requests are always open and I'll see you on the flip side, sweet dreams 🌙 ⭐️

The big box was wheeled into the daycare the wheels squealed and squeaked as they rolled across the colorful mat. The noise from the cart caught the attention of the cheerful daycare attendant, he jumped down from his podium and made his way over to the box.

"Ooooo, what do we have here!" Sun asked the man pushing the box

"This here is your new child training animatronic, it's name is y/n" he replied

"Oh my, what a NEAT NAME, IM SO EXCITED TO MEET THEM" sun beamed hopping up and down

"Well I'm glad your excited because you'll be spending a lot of time with them" the man said before pulling out a box cutter to open the box.

When the cardboard was removed the light illuminated the child like animatronic. It's (s/c) skin and (h/c) hair. The man carefully pulled the child out and pushed a button on the back of its neck. The (e/c) eyes illuminated as they flickered to life.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is y/n" you said holding out your hand to sun

"The age setting is on about 5 or 6...maybe 7 I don't know I'm just the delivery guy" the man shrugged before making his way out of the daycare.

"It's nice to meet you y/n, I'm the daycare attendant sundrop BUT YOU CAN CALL ME ANYTtHINg you LIKE!!!" Sun giggled gently taking your hand in his and leading you to the tables.

He pulled out a chair and gently guided you to sit down he then pulled out a bin and took out some crayons and a few sheets of paper and placed them in front of you. You took your (f/c) crayon and began to draw your favorite animal. As you were coloring quietly you heard the doors swing open and a pile of kids poured in.

"Has class started mr. Sun" you asked looking up at the sun looming over you

"WHY YES IT HAS Y/N" sun beamed as he scooped you up and carried you over to the kids

"HELLO FRIENDS, TODAY we have a NEW FRIEND!!!!, EVERYONE SAY HELLO TO Y/N" sun smiled holding you up before gently placing you on your feet

"H-hello" you said shyly

"Hello" the kids replied crowding you

"NOW CHILDREN, WE DONT WANT TO OVERLOAD Y/N" sun chimed scooping you up into his arms

"Y/n, y/n, your mommy and mommy should be friends!!!" One of the kids exclaimed "then we can have a play date!!"

"I-I don't-" before the words could leave your mouth sun jumped into the conversation

"I AM Y/N'S MOMMY!!" Sun beamed holding you above the crowd of children

You covered your face with your hands the nervousness setting in.

"THATS SO COOOL" the kids exclaimed

"Huh" you mumbled peeking through your fingers to see the kids looking at you expectedly

   Sun gently and placed you on the floor below, the moment your feet touched the ground the kids swarmed you. They began to bombard you with questions, everything from, 'how old are you? To what's it like living with sun?'

"YOU GUYS LETS PLAY TAG!!!" Sun exclaimed "ILL GIvE YOU GUYS 10 SEcOndS to RUN" sun said hopping up and down from leg to leg

"RUN!!!" The kids squealed as they scattered across the play structures

"6,5,4..." sun counted

"Cmon y/n" the kids giggled as they pulled you along

"3,2,1..HERE I COME" sun beamed as he began to skip after you and the others

    Sun was close behind you before you slipped inside a blue tube. You scrambled your way through the tube and up to the top of the structure. You positioned yourself near a slide for an easy escape.

"This is fun" you breathed though you were an animatronic you only were programmed to have the stamina of a child, which came in bursts.

"Y/n RUN" a kid squealed as he slipped down the slide in front of you

   You looked above the slide and saw sun sitting around the bottom. You decided to go through to the other side to avoid sun. You slipped down the first set of stairs and through a green tube. From here you saw a flash of yellow as sun scooped up a kid right in front of the tube you were about to exit.

"He's so fast.." you breathed before slipping through a yellow tube cross way and down another set of stairs.

"I GOt YOU" you heard sun giggle as another kid was scooped up

"I'm not gonna lose" you huffed slipping out the last tube and back into the light

The moment the light hit your eyes, you felt a sudden jolt as your eyes had not had time to adjust to the change in brightness. As if on pure instinct alone you dropped to the floor just barely missing suns grasp.

"I MISSED" sun exclaimed "IM GONNA GET YOU Y/N" he finished flipping to your direction

You slipped between his legs and took off towards the ball pit Sun closely behind you. You ran full speed to the edge and changed course at the last second. You managed to avoid the pit but sun wasn't so lucky. He took a tumble and fell right into the pit.

"Wow that was so cool y/n!!!" One kid called

"You beat Sunny!!!" Another called

"You won" they all cried out

"YAY Y/N YOU WON!!! AND ON YOUR FIRST DAY" sun exclaimed climbing out of the ball pit and taking your hand leading you to the rest of the group

   Just before you could accept your congratulations the lights clicked of and the music changed. All the kids got in a line and waited. You looked up to see a red eye illuminating a moon animatronic.

"Congrats on beating sun, kid" the moon chuckled "now kids NAP TIME" he called out leading the kids

"What's your name?" You asked quietly

"I'm moon, y/n" your other animatronic Er mo-mo-parent." Moon replied

"We're you gonna say mom-" a kid in the back chimed

"No." Moon replied flatly cutting the kid off

   Moon opened a door and went around the line escorting each child to their bed and tucking them in. When it was your turn he scooped you up gently and brought you to one of the beds. He laid you down and brought a blanket up to your neck.

"Goodnight y/n" moon whispered before taking his place on a chair in the middle of the room

"Goodnight moon" all the kids called out quietly and weakly

  Before long there was the sound of faint snores all around the room. You yourself felt your eyelids growing heavy. Before your eyes closed completely you saw moon come over to you and plug a cord into the back of your neck.

"Don't worry I'll take it off before the other kids see." Moon assured you before making his way back to the chair

"Good-" you trailed off your eyelids closing as you drifted off to dreamland

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