chasing ghosts

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Minho is dozing in the library, a book on his chest, when he hears the familiar crackle of his com. He traipses down the spiral staircase, drops into his chair and hits the button with his foot.

"Speak," he says through a yawn.

"Commander, a rival merchant band has requested aid."

"Which band?"

The voice seems to hesitate before saying, "The Stingray."

Minho doesn't stop to gear up. He's in the wheelhouse within the minute, shouting for Lieutenant Sing. "Details, now."

"Commander Han called the Ender directly, sir. His ship hit an agglovoid. They're making an emergency landing on Ophiuchus Alpha, O10-1Q1 Galaxy."

Ophiuchus Alpha, an arctic planet, uninhabitable — and lightyears away. "Do we still have him on-com?"

"There has been no contact for minutes now, sir."

"Did they crash? What happened?"

"We've ceased communication."

"Why the hell would you—"

Then, a voice from the com, muffled by the thunder of machinery:

"Minho... we're failing..."

Minho can't breathe.

"If I don't see you again... there were parts of you — oh God — listen, just listen to me... the gentle parts of you, the things you said when it was just you and me, those were the parts of you that I—"

A sound like a bomb going off. Then static.

He lurches forward and grabs the com. "Jisung? Jisung, do you read?" He slams his fist against the dashboard. "Fuck!"


"Reset course for Ophiuchus Alpha," he barks at the pilot. "Arrival t-minus 30 minutes, I don't care what it takes. Use the fuel reserve and do not slow down."

"Commander, I think you're making a mistake."

Minho turns on his lieutenant. "Explain."

"Sir, the Stingray is our primary competitor. If we were to... not intervene... their buyers would be desperate for a new merchant. The Ender could expand two-fold, both in profits and power."

"You're suggesting we knowingly let those people die on an arctic planet?"

"Yes, I am. And I think you would approve if... if you weren't biased."

Anger flares in Minho's chest. He pushes forward, gets in his lieutenant's space.

"And why am I biased? Go on. Say it."

"I know you're involved with him. Intimately. After the Alabaster Ringmaster... we all know it. Sir, he's the enemy. It's unwise."

Minho nods once, the tilt of his head. "Does it feel good to have that off your chest?"

"I'm just trying to protect the Ender. Protect it from... foolishness."

"I see." Minho points at a crewer standing by. "You, take this one to the cells."

"What?" Sing shrieks. "On what grounds?"

"Insolence." Minho's voice raises to a shout, filling the room. "If anyone else wants to challenge my authority, do it now. I'm all ears."

No one speaks.

"Good instincts. Suits and masks on, bomb bay at hour's end. Move, spread the word. There's room in the cells if you'd like to keep warm."

surrender ; minsungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat