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The weather gave off this vibe that today would be a perfect, completely normal, quiet day.

Aiden got played by the weather.

It all started when he was on his way to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for the supper he was planning to make that night.

It was lasagna by the way.

He had to walk because Ash had taken the car for his date with Nora and of course, since he loved his best friend so much, he let it be.

But then it started raining.

Amazing, wasn't it?

So there he was, walking to the supermarket in the rain, knowing damn well that he couldn't just turn around because he was already a good way away from the house and he really wanted lasagna.

Lasagna was a life—no a human necessity. Argue with the wall.

He stepped into the supermarket and pulled his hood off. He felt incredibly uncomfortable by the way his clothes were clinging to his skin.

Nevertheless, he got what he needed (and a few more little goods) and departed from the store with a bright red umbrella that had caught his attention.

Atleast now he wouldn't be extra soaked if the way his clothes clung to him wasn't enough.

The walk home was actually quite....peaceful, if he could even call it that. Few people walked on sidewalks with an umbrella in hand, like him, and even fewer cars drove past. The sound of the rain hitting against the umbrella brought him a sort of peace.

He loved rain, he just didn't like getting wet by it.

That peace was short lived when he was two house away from his own and saw an unfamiliar car parked in his driveway, and an even more unfamiliar figure knocking on his door.

Naturally, he started panicking.

What if it was a dude with a gun who was trying to kidnap him for his limbs and kidneys!? He could only give one. NOT BOTH.

He framed his face with the umbrella, just in case the figure noticed him, and quickly speed-walked his way to Matìas' house.

Thank God for neighbours.

He hastily knocked on the door before opened it after a few seconds because a) he definitely did not want to die and b) because he was just an impatient little fucker, sue him.

Aiden shut the door behind him and dropped the umbrella to the floor. He leaned against the door and let out a huge breath of relief.

Atleast now he wouldn't have to face death- or whatever it was awaiting him at his doorstep


He slowly raised his head, looking up at the male before him through his lashes (sorry, I couldn't resist hehe)

"Matìas'...hey" he let out a sheepish chuckle, standing up straight and moving his overgrown hair out of his eyes.

"Hey" Matias chuckled in response and Aiden wanted to face-palm himself at that moment.

This was not how the day was meant to go.

"What are you doing here" that deep voice spoke again, sending a shiver down Aiden's spine. Blue eyes drifted to the grocery bags discarded on the floor.

"Oh...yeah...about that" Aiden stupidly chuckled, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Well then...?" Matias raised a brow urging the boy to continue. Aiden huffed.

"I walked to the grocery store for some shit for lasagna but then it started raining mid-way through the walk and then when I came back there was this random car parked in my driveway and someone was knocking on the door and I.... panicked so I came here....?"

The last part came out as more of a rambled question than a statement and for that Aiden wanted to kick himself.

"Are they still there?" Matìas asked and Aiden shrugged in response, he didn't bother checking.

He just didn't want to risk being kidnapped. Not when he hadn't eaten his lasagna yet.

Matìas gently guided Aiden out the way before heading out the door, a serious look on his face "Stay. Please"

Aiden furrowed his brows before gasping in realisation. Was he going to his house!?

"Is he crazy" Aiden shrieked to himself before opening the door and leaving, disobeying Matias' order. The grocery bags long forgotten.

He came across Matìas and a...male? with blonde hair discussing something. Both looked pissed and Aiden felt that if he doesn't do something soon, a fight was going down.

Aiden quickly made his way to Matìas' side.

The male, in response, gripped Aiden's hand with a hard glare set on blondie.

"Do you know him, Aiden" Matìas asked his way, his glare not once leaving his face.

Aiden stared at Matìas, eyes wide. Though it was not the time to, Aiden found himself mesmerised by how gorgeous Matìas was.

How could someone look that hot while angry. It confused him.

But as always, he was snapped out of his trance.

"Well go on then, Aiden darling. Please tell this.... bodyguard of yours to stand down."

Aiden grimaced at the familiar voice. His eyes shot up, making contact with familiar hazel eyes.

Aiden let out a sound which was a mix of disbelief, disgust and confusion. A whole three-in-one package on the spot "You!? Why the fuck are you here"

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