I. Death

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WHO MADE ME A PRINCE chapter one - death

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chapter one - death.

WHO MADE ME A PRINCE chapter one - death

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THE SCHOOL BELL RANG AS ALL the students rushed back home. Kazuto packed his bag and headed to the library instead.

'Another test is coming up next week. If I don't score the highest this time..' He shivered upon the thought as he pulled down his uniform arm to see the burn marks.

The cigarette burns he'd received from his father in last week's beating still remained fresh.

'I should put some foundation to cover it up, since we have a P.E lesson tomorrow. But if I use mom's foundation she'll get mad. Should I ask before using? But, what if she still gets mad?' On his thought as he all can do is to sighed.

"Fushimu-Kun!" Someone called him making, Kazuto flinched as he pulled his uniform down and brought his arm behind his back.

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. I called out a few times but you didn't respond." The woman smiled with a hint of worry in her eyes.

This was his homeroom teacher, always looking at him with worry. She was a kind person. If Kazuto told her about his problems, she would undoubtedly help him. But somewhere in his heart he still wished to gain recognition from his parents by his own efforts.

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