Chapter 37: Unfinished Novel

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Andrea's pov:

This is not happening. This is seriously not happening to me. And where's Kavinsky? Fuck.

Rex walked around the room, laughing like a devil. "Sorry. I know I surprised you but you know? I really like to amaze people. And Viv? You're the only person I like to amaze the most".

I tried to let go off me from the maze of ropes. I'm so furious at him. I want to kill him and cut his flesh into pieces and drink his damn blood. I gritted my teeth.
"What do you want?"

"What I want?", He said and walked towards me as he put one of his knees on the ground. He put out his gun and lifted my chin with it. "After showering all the bullets in my heart, you're asking me what I want?". He let out an ugly laugh. "Seriously Andrea? I didn't know you were that much of a fool".

"What. You. WANT?", I screamed at his face.

He hit me with the end of the gun on my face and ouch! that hurts. His eyes were boiling with rage. "Stop screaming, darling. Your lover is half dead in another room. I could kill him at the first glance I had of him but I wanted him to fucking burn in fire. I will kill him slowly, making him feel every pain".

I shivered. I'm wearing nothing but a bra and a shorts. Kavinsky. I wonder if he's okay. I need to get out of here soon.

"I just want to fuck you and then kill you infront of your lover only".

"How will you fuck me if I can't spread my legs or touch your dick?"

His expressionless face looked at me for a few seconds. He didn't even blink. "How you're so right always? Yes. But why I'd release you? What if you'll run?"

I lowered my head as I looked at my bare skin. "I won't run. Obviously. If you wanna kill me, then you can. Cause that was me who tried to kill you not KAVINSKY!", I screamed.

"Haha. Sweet. Yes. You were the one who tried to kill me but Kavinsky and I got bad blood. But, lemme fuck you first?"

"Atleast untie me. So you can savour the taste fully without any hesitation".

Rex thought for a while as he untied my hands only. Nice.

"If this comes out as a trick, you're going to die a painful death".

"I agree, Rexine".

"Ooh, I love that".

He picked me in his arms and put me on the nearby table and a knife was there at the edge of the table. I think he didn't notice that and I'll make sure that he won't ever notice it.

He kissed my collarbone slowly. Fuck. I hate this. I keep my eyes closed and stretched my hand in order to get the knife but it's a little too far from me. Rex pulled back as he looked at me.

"You are so sexy, darling".

I slowly smile as I pushed his head with my other hand on my chest as he slowly sucks the place. My fingers kept searching for the knife. It kept tap tapping on the table and verging towards the knife like a big black spider.

And finally, I grabbed it. Thank you God, Thanks alot. I love you.


"Hmm?", Rex looked into my eyes with desperation. I'm sorry dude.

"So silly that you fell for my trap".

His face was filled with confusion and after a millisecond I stabbed the knife in his arms as he screamed. I jumped on the ground from the table as I stumbled on my feet cause it was tied. I cut the ropes with the knife swiftly while Rex was screaming holdings his arms. The blood is gushing out on the floor and some of the blood was on me too.

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