Chapter 2: Empathy is Hard: Part One

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   "So is she like the Captain now that her dad is retired?" I ask as I follow Travis and Vic to the aide car. "Kind of," Hughes responds, "her dad isn't retired. Or at least he doesn't think he is anyway." "He has cancer, so he had to step down as captain," Montgomery whispers as he turns around and we continue walking, "So now..... the captain spot is open, and Jack and Andy are in the running for the position." "Oh," I say, sounding shocked, "sounds interesting." "Very interesting indeed," replies Vic in an I told you so kind of voice.


     "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" is heard from Andy's mouth as she quickly puts her gear on with the others. Beep, beep, beep is heard loudly from the intercom with a woman's robot voice repeating, "Response need. Station 19. Aid car. House fire. 1782 Jefferson Street."

     I hurry along to where Herrera showed me my gear this morning first thing. Following the others' lead, I dress and shove my gear on as fast as possible. Feeling nervous about my first call as a firefighter, Herrera interrupts my thoughts, "Rookie, you're with Vic and Travis on aide car for your first time." "Yes, Captain," I respond as a soldier would react to her commander. Hughes, who is standing right beside me, already geared, snickers. I give her a look and shake my head with her smirking at me.

     Feeling a little disappointed that I won't precisely be fighting fires this time, I quickly jump into the back of the aide car. Being the last one geared up, Montgomery, who is sitting in the passenger's seat, announces, "You'll get faster at gearing up over time," as Hughes turns the sirens and lights on and quickly pulls out behind the other two rigs.


     Jumping out of the aid car after Montgomery and shutting the door, I can hear Jack and Andy arguing over who is in command

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     Jumping out of the aid car after Montgomery and shutting the door, I can hear Jack and Andy arguing over who is in command. "I think we should go in and fight through the front?" is heard from Jack, who sounds like he is trying to plead his case. I walk around the rig's side to where the others are in view, following along behind Hughes and Montgomery. "Well, you aren't Captain today, now are you?" Shouts Andy, getting all up in Jack's business. She then turns away, completely ignoring his statement, and calls, "Bishop and Gibson and..........Young. You all go around back. Miller, Warren, Hughes, and I will go in the front to sweep the place. And Montgomery, you know where that leaves you." I take a glance at Travis, who has saluted Herrera. "But I thought Young, Montgomery, and I was on aid," I quickly turn to face a confused Vic with her eyes squinted. "We don't know if there are any victims inside. One of the neighbors could've called this case in, so until we do know, it would be nice to have extra sets of hands in there to help," answers Herrera swiftly. "I I, Captain Herrera," Hughes adds a salute with her hand back to Herrera, who has already turned away from her.

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