Chapter 4: The Birthday

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"Having your birthday on a Wednesday is literally the dumbest thing ever and it should be illegal." I groan over my morning coffee.

We never talked about what I said the other night as we cuddled in my bed. Both of us know better than to bring up the things that come out of my mouth when I'm drunk. 

"Oh relax," Alex says, placing a homemade parfait with a candle sticking out of it in front of me. "Just because you can't get obliterated doesn't mean you're not going to have a good birthday. Honestly, after twenty-one, birthdays suck anyway."

"Aw, Alexander this is so cute!" I squeal.

"Happy birthday, roomie." He tousles my hair and takes his seat across from me.

I close my eyes, making a wish in my head and blow out the candle. "Thank you, roomie." I smile.

"So, what did you wish for?" He asks.

"I wished for Wednesday birthday to be illegal." I joke and take a bite.

He laughs and we finish our breakfast in comfortable silence.

"Come right home after work." He tells me on his way out the door. "I have a surprise for you."

"Alex, no parties! I can't drink I have a huge meeting bright and early tomorrow!" 

"Don't worry it's not a party. You'll see." with that he's gone.

I go about my workday as normal, no big birthday celebration from my coworkers. Everyone at the magazine is kind of uptight and I'd probably find a different place to write if I didn't get paid as well I do. At least all of my college friends remembered and blew up my phone. It really is the little things. 

After work, I treated myself to just a touch of shopping even though Alex told me to come straight home. I needed new pants, and shoes, and a new winter coat seeing as it's November and I'm still using my coat from junior year. 

"You're lateeeee." Alex sings from the kitchen. "Good thing I know you and I knew you'd be late so I planned accordinglyyyyy!"

I turn into the kitchen where Alex reveals my all time favorite dinner- the Alex special he never has time to make for me anymore- homemade sushi rolls.

"Oh my God, Alex!" I scream and throw my arms around him. "Thank you so much!"

"You deserve it." he smiles into the top of my head, squeezing me tighter. "Did you have a happy birthday?"

"I'm about to!" I let him go and rush to serve myself.

"No, sit." He tells me and I comply.

He brings our plates to the table, along with a signature cocktail we invented senior year. "The  925 Special." 925 being our old apartment number, but the recipe is a secret. 

We eat and talk and laugh as usual until he clears the table. Then the lights go out.

"Woah, did the power just go out?" I ask, looking toward the window. "It only just started sprinkling, it's not even a storm."

I turn back around to see him carrying a small cake with, yet again, more candles.

"Happy birthday to youuu-" He sings.

"Wow Alex, you really went above and beyond!" I laugh then join in on the song. 

"I knew you were bummed about a Wednesday birthday and not having any plans, so I wanted to make it special." He smiles and takes a swipe of frosting with his finger.

"Well, thank you. You succeeded." I stab my fork straight in, no use in cutting it. 

"I also have one more thing." He says and reaches under the table.

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