Chapter 7

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The car pulled up outside Liam's apartment building at exactly 7:30 to pick him up, but as usual Liam was running late, same old Liam.

Trent was pulling at his tie trying to loosen it, "Mom, why does it need to be so tight?"

"Sweetheart, if you think that's tight wait until your grandma gets a hold of you," I chuckled at his disgruntled expression.

Trent is adorned in a black tuxedo with an emerald green tie and handkerchief in his breast pocket to match my long emerald green gown. Trent was going to be my date tonight; I thought it would be a bit harsh to turn up with my ex-boyfriend to my mother-in-law's party.

The back door to the car suddenly opened and Liam hopped wearing a black tux with a silver tie, I must say he looked good the years had been good to him, even though he'd always been able to pull off a tux.

He smirked at me knowingly before saying, "Like what you see?"

"Maybe," I laughed joking around with him.

He smiled at me before answering, "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Why thank you, kind sir." I responded.

Trent piped in at this, "What about me?"

"You're going to be the handsomest man at the party," I informed him.

Liam smiled at him before, "Wow dude the ladies are going to love you."

Trent grinned at this while he turned back to look out the window. I noticed Liam fiddling with his tie much like Trent had and smiled at this, boys never really grow up.

We pulled up outside the Met where there was a crowd of paparazzi snapping shots of the rich and famous attending tonight's event, I even noticed some reporters form my magazine, hoping to get some quotes from other family members about the divorce.

Once it was our turn the driver stopped the car and got out to open our door. Liam got out first, straightening his jacket as he stood up, he offered his hand back to me. I could here the crowd inquiring as to why he was back and who was he with. I took his hand and let him pull me out into the mild NY evening now filled with the sounds of gasping people and the flashing of the cameras. The crowd was in so much shock that Liam turned up here with me of all people that they failed to notice Trent hop out the car.

Liam kept ahold of my hand giving me his support, I squeezed his hand showing I was grateful before releasing it to grab Trent's and make our way forward. I was nearly blinded by the cameras as I made my way to the line of press.

I stopped when I reached the line of reporters and camera crews allowing them to ask me questions and catch a couple of shots of Trent and I.

The first reporter began the questioning, "Isabella, Is it true you and your husband are getting a divorce?"

"Yes, it is," I replied with a polite smile moving onto the next person.

The second one was a tall tanned blonde girl who had a business air about her as she continued, "Have you seen Liam since your wedding?"

"No, I haven't." I confirmed.

The third was a man in his late twenties with light brown hair and light green eyes, his nametag told me his name was Cole, "Did you know Liam was coming back?"

"No, it was a complete surprise." I informed him.

The fourth person asked the question everyone had been waiting for, "Does your husband know you are here with Liam, Mrs. Van Der Houston?"

"Yes and its Ms. Van Gard," I corrected being met with silence from the rest of the reporters but I noticed my beloved husband and mother-in-law glowering down at me from the top of the steps.

We posed for a few more pictures before Liam rejoined us and we began our ascent of the steps leading to the entrance.

Liam cleared his throat drawing my attention away from the steps and to him, "The was quite the stunt you pulled back there. They are going to eat you alive after that." He said nodding his head in my husband and my fuming mother-in-law's direction.

"I'm sick of the world thinking I'm just Mrs. Charles Van Der Houston, sure I stepped back out of the lime light to raise Trent but I am my own person, plus I'm not exactly a pauper's daughter." I explained.

We were now reaching the top of the stairs where my husband raced towards me like a steam train, his face the picture of anger. I felt Trent let go of my hand and cling on to Liam knowing it was I Charles was heading for.

He knew he couldn't blow up out here too many prying eyes and ears so he calmly spoke to me, "Isabella, How nice of you to come, won't you come with me for a second?"

"I would like to make an appearance inside first if that's ok my mother and brother are waiting for us," I smiled politely knowing everyone was watching our interaction and was shocked at my refusal to follow him.

If possible his face grew even redder in anger before he whispered, "This isn't over," and stormed away.

His mother glared over at me from her position in the welcoming committee. I knew I'd have to face them eventually but I was trying to put it off as long as possible.

"Ready?" Liam asked me.

I smiled up at him before nodding knowing I was heading into my doom. Tonight I would face my worst nightmares and how I deal with them will make or break my standing in the Upper East Side's elite. Will I be a princess? Or will I be a pauper?




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