Chapter Twelve

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I'm momentarily dumbstruck. She can't know what I really am.

"What I am?" I repeat.

"You're an angel," she answers, smiling at me. Even her eyes are twinkling.

Not even close. If she only knew.

"I heard that. Give yourself a little more credit." Her smile doesn't waver.

My tongue feels like someone tied it into a double knot. I nod at her, trying to keep my mind blank. It's pretty clear she can read my thoughts just as well as Noah can.

"You've had a life here before," she continues.

I feel my eyes widening and force myself to blink. How does she know this? There's definitely something about her Noah didn't tell me.

She laughs, and I know she's heard what I'm thinking again. "I'm glad you're here. I can tell you're doing some work on clearing a few things out of that old life, and making your energy stronger. That's what brought you here. I think you'll get a lot from this."

It takes a good few seconds to find my voice. "Thank you," I tell her. I'm having trouble thinking of anything else to say.

"I hope I'll keep seeing you here in class," she says.

"I'll be here."

She touches my arm again and I sense our conversation is over. I get up from the stage and take my time collecting my mat and purse. She's still watching me when I walk out of the room.

I don't see Selena at the front desk when I walk by it on my way to the door, and that's probably good. It's painfully clear neither of us knows what to say to the other, and even more obvious she doesn't want to be anywhere near me. Not that I can blame her, really.

I keep walking until I'm outside of Diamond Lotus Yoga and heading down the street to my car. Once I'm sitting inside of it, I dig through my bag to find my phone and turn it on. I sent Riley a text message before coming to class to thank him for dinner last night, but it doesn't look like he's answered me yet. He's probably still sleeping. I would be, too, if Noah hadn't told me to come here.

I put my phone back into my purse and then start the car. After checking the mirrors, I pull out onto the street.

"So what did you think?" a voice asks from beside me.

I slam on the brakes. "Geez, don't do that while I'm driving!"

Noah chuckles from where he sits in the passenger seat. "It's an empty street. The worst thing that can happen is you'll drive over a leaf."

"It's still dangerous," I grumble, releasing the brake and moving my foot back to the gas pedal.

"Did you enjoy meeting Amarleen?"

I nod, but say nothing.

"You want to ask me something, don't you?" he says.

Of course he knows what's on my mind. It would sure be nice if I could turn the tables and read his mind for a day.

"How does she do that?" I ask.

"Do what?"

"What you do." I bring the car to a stop at a red light. "Is she supposed to be able to do that?"

"You mean read your thoughts?"

"Yeah, that. It's something someone in The Life-After would do, but she's here and even I can't do that here."

"Amarleen's energy is at a very high level. It's higher than yours."

Well, obviously. But that still doesn't answer my question.

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