8. The Tomeister

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Anna squealed when she saw Tommy and hugged him tightly. We headed off for the job after greetings were exchanged. Tommy and Anna started playing I spy while I kept my eyes and ears open. A scream ripped through the quiet air and we immediately ran towards the sound.

As we drew closer we heard someone yell, "Shut up Georgia!"

Rounding the corner we saw Georgia on a car pointing and shrieking at a rat. Henry huffed before scaring it away.

Tommy went into Guardian mode and strode over to Georgia. I ignored his yelling and wrapped Henry into a hug. Joey then came running out of a building with two rats in his hands. Anna saw them and began "aawwwing." He seemed surprised that she didn't react like Georgia but I knew that Anna loved rats.

Joey turned to me and asked, "What you doing?"

"We're going on a job."

"Can I join?! Georgia's in a mood today."

"Fine, we'd better hurry!"

We started to run but it wasn't long before Georgia ran up and joined us. Henry apparently had some stocking up to do so he wanted her to come with us.

The house we were meant to go to was just around the corner and I motioned for everyone to slow down. Out of nowhere a red eye attacked Anna but it was hit in the face by Georgia's pepper spray. Apparently pepper spray works on dead things as well. Several more came jumping out from behind cars and through shop windows. Tommy immediately began lopping off heads and Georgia was spraying them in the eyes. Joey had a lasso and was catching them before shoving them at Tommy. Anna crouched down and began slicing through their calf muscles making them fall to the ground then stabbing them in the heart. I pulled out my two samurai swords and joined the fight.

A shot echoed through the quiet. The red eyes lumbered away at the sound. Tommy staggered then fell to his knees.

"Tommy!" Anna screamed, dropping her knife and running towards him.

Everything slowed down as if the world was trying to keep Tommy alive. My hair twisted in the breeze as if it was an alien creature. Wet tears trailed slowly down my cheeks. I found myself running towards Tommy but it was like I was trying to move through thick syrup. A swallow floated past my face, it's feathers brushing the tears gently off my cheeks. Falling heavily down to my knees next to him, I took a deep, shaky breath that slowly filled my lungs with air. Tommy's veins turned black as the silver poison from the bullet lodged in his heart tore through his body. Oak brown eyes slowly dimmed as the glow that previously lit them faded. A slight gust of wind moved the gold locks like leaves on a willow tree. Blood dribbled out of the corner of his colourless lips that always used to curl up into a joyous smile. My eyes followed one perfect drop that splashed onto the ground. It fell and created a sound like thunder that bounced harshly in my head. The world spun on its axis as it regained normal speed. A sick feeling knotted in the pit of my stomach. My hand reached up and brushed Tommy's only tear away as he slipped into the darkness...

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