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It's been 2 days since i last seen or heard from billie. I've called her more than 100 times, and she still hasn't reached back to me. She basically disappeared and the only person worried about it is me. no one is going out look for her, they've called her a couple times but if she didn't pick up they just left it at that and continued about there life.

And there i was,laying on the couch drowning in my heartbreaking ass sorrows watching "After". Sad bitch. I'm exhausted,my head hurts so much, my body aches. The thought of moving from this couch makes my stomach turn. The movie came to an end, usually i would just fall asleep but i didn't. i just sat there staring at the blank black screen.

GET UP VAL...Go shower,go eat,do your hair or something. I tried convincing myself to get up but i just couldn't. so i didn't...i just laid there,thinking,reminiscing.

where is she?



It was the next day, I was sitting in rayas living room on her couch playing the game waiting for her to get back. I haven't been home in 2 days. I haven't returned any of Val's calls or text. The first day I was gone she called atleast 100 times. She left me a couple messages. I don't remember what all of them said but I do remember her threatening me in one of them which made me turn my phone off. Not out of fear though. After that I haven't touched it since.

I got off the couch and went into the kitchen looking for a quick snack before my next game started. As i'm looking through the cabinets raya gets back.
"Hey you" raya said as she walked over to me. " hi do you have any takis?" she laughed and grabbed the bag of takis that were right in my face,handing them to me. "thanks, how was it?" I asked her referring to the coffee date she had with her mom. "ughhhh I don't wanna talk about it." I laughed. "was it that bad". Raya looked at me, and I just knew.

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked raya "depends on what you wanna watch" she said. "hmmm something scary but not to much mmm the babadook?" I suggested,but only because it was my favorite. "sure i love that movie" she said. Me and raya went to the couch and watched the babadook.


Towards the end of the movie we heard a knock. "were you expecting somebody?" i asked. "no not that i know of." she said. I looked back at the door.


I looked back at raya and she looked scared,nervous. As if she was scared of whoever was on the other side of the door. I got up and walked over to the door. "who is it?" i asked aggressively.


That voice, it sounded familiar but it was muffled so I couldn't really make out who it was. I looked at raya and she was more confused than frightened now. "bil it's me finneas, open the door...please"
I slowly walked and opened the door. There he was, My tall,skinny, ginger, freckled face brother. "hey" i said. he didn't say anything he just stood there,looking at me. Then his eyes met raya. "um hi" she said awkwardly.

"hello,i'm billies brother,finneas, and you are?"

"raya my names raya"

"nice to meet you raya,if you don't mind I would like to talk to my sister in private please."

"of course um i'll be upstairs if u need anything"she said basically sprinting up the stairs to get out of sight.

"you seriously didn't have to come here" i said annoyed that he found me. he looked at me unamused. "you gotta stop doing this bil, everyone's worried about you, and val she's, god i don't even know. she's just not herself"

"what do you mean?"


"fin is she doing okay? how bad is she"

"she's okay, but she would be doing way better if you were there and so would everyone else. yes most of us are used to you leaving and going ghost but not val, you guys just started a relationship don't you think leaving her at this moment isn't hurting her?"

"i know me leaving was a shitty move, but fin something isn't adding up. val , her mom, ari, uncles death. everything. none of it makes sense to me it's all to much. me and val are supposed to be enemies not lovers."

"yes but you guys figured all that out right?"


"i mean i guess, but still fin, there's more to all of this and until then i can't trust anyone. Including val." finneas just looked at me, he knew i meant what i was saying but he also knew that i loved val. but how just how...


um hi....k uh bye sorry so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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