This was the first time a room full of gifts and maximum...

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This was the first time a room full of gifts and maximum health did not make her happy.

On the other hand, having absolutely no idea about the boss’s actual thoughts, Gu Shishi and Qin Ruhai were exchanging their appreciation for each other in a friendly manner.

Qin Ruhai didn’t think that he’d receive a Thanksgiving gift from Gu Shishi.

When he opened it up, it was small ink painting.

It was a boat floating on water between some mountains.

“I don’t have much to offer.”

Gu Shishi continued to hone her ink painting skill.

“I painted something for you, big sister Qin, and little sister qin.”

She then handed over two more wooden boxes.

Inside of them were two of the rounded fans that she had painted.

In addition to being able to have first-hand melon, the melon-eater also had souvenirs to bring home with him.

Qin Ruhai felt that this user experience was amazing.

“Little sister Shishi, let me know what you like as well. I’ll have it send over later.

“Hmm, I think I will be busy lately. I’ll have my older sister drop it off.”

Qin Ruhai had it all planned out already.

“Don’t say no. You will become my sister-in-law in the future. Why don’t I do this? I have a business trip in US tomorrow. I’ll bring you back a few popular purses!”

Purses could cure all illnesses.

Qin Ruhai was very experienced when it came to that.

Gu Shishi didn’t pretend to turn it down.

“I don’t need purses but I would like to have some oil paint. Can you bring me back some?”

“No problem! For sure!”

Qin Ruhai smiled happily as well.

“I like how straightforward you are, much better than that Gu Wushuang with her heart disease.”

Being open and honest about what one wanted was a true sign of them seeing you as a friend of theirs.

All the “May I?”, “Oh, I couldn’t possibly”, “It’s all my fault for asking you to bring me purses”… Qin Ruhai couldn’t speak for others but for someone who grew up in the hospital around other patients, he found that unbearable.

That’s not the behaviour of someone with heart disease.

The heart should find that offensive!

Gu Wushuang’s issue was with her brain!

Gu Shishi was much better.

Qin Ruhai was very happy that he could click with his good friend’s fiancée and future partner.

This was the most comfortable type of relationships!

“Okay, I am taking off now. Thank you for the paintings for my sisters. I’ll have them hang up later.”

Qin Ruhai was a doctor, not someone who understand art.

But he found her painting pretty.

Gu Shishi didn’t say much after that but waved at him.

By the next day, Gu Shishi noticed that Huo Sishen’s mood was off before she headed in to work.

“Can we have souffle tonight?”

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