Chapter 17

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My shift was over and it was already 11:26 . I left from home after informing manager oppa about it . I was walking in a fast pace because it was already late and I don't want to be more late . I decided to take a short cut from a alley since it's the only way to reach my house fast.....but I was a little bit scared since there is a rumour that a person was killed by some mafias in this alley.....but I said to myself that

Y/n : "in mind" it's just a rumour y/n nothing is there was a rumour in 4th standard that Sung-hoo had a huge crush on Miya but it was false don't worry

I was walking in the alley....but then I had to take a turn to my right....but when I turned to my right I saw a horrible scene . I saw there was a man laying dead on the floor with multiple stabs made by knife.....even there were some men's like 6 , oh yeah 6 men's were there which I assume were the one who killed this poor soul .

I got really angry and yelled at the top of my lungs while walking towards them


I don't know how the curse words came out of my mouth but I cared less about it . They all turned about after hearing my yell....there faces were pitch black because of the night , that's why I couldn't see there faces . I was going to yell at them again but I was stopped when someone put a piece of cloth on my nose and mouth.....and being a stupid fellow I inhaled it was caused me to feel dizzy . My eyes started felling heavy but I was trying my best not to close my eyes but I failed and went in a deep sleep 😴

Time skip when y/n woke up
Still Y/N POV

I woke up with a slight headache . I wanted to open my eyes but they felt heavy....after a lot of trying I finally opened my eyes and found myself in a room which looked more like a bride's dressing room . I found myself sleeping on a couch in this room

 I found myself sleeping on a couch in this room

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I went to the door and locked it . After making sure it was locked , I sat on the couch were I woke up and took out my spy earpiece communication device and said

               ( Something like this )

               ( Something like this )

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Y/n : hello , hello sir

Sir : yes y/'s the mission going on

Y/n : everything is going according to the plan.....right now I am in a bride's dressing room

Sir : great job.....take the information as soon as possible ok

Y/n : ok sir

I heard someone knock on the door . I immediately hide the earpiece and opened the door

Y/n : "in mind" time to act innocent

I opened the door and saw a women in her 40's . Then she said

Women : mam come with me I need to get you ready

Y/n : ready for what ?

Women : for your wedding

Y/n : wedding ? who am I marrying

Women : I can't say their names

Y/n : what do you mean by many people am I going to marry ?

Women : their are totall please come with me

I didn't say anything and went with her

Y/n : "in mind" looks like the plan is going more good than I thought


Author POV

I know you guys are let me tell you the plot twist

Actually when y/n's parents died she was walking on the dark road in the middle of the night when she bumped into a person named Kang Han-suk a mafia who comes in the list of top 10 most powerful mafia's . He's parents were killed by other mafia gang

He adopted y/n and took care of her and kept her safe....he teached y/n how to fight and gave her education . In return y/n work's under him as a spy along with her gang .

There are many people who work under him along with Blackpink

Y/n's real age is 22 but to get admission in college she said her age as 19 .

Actually the building which caught fire in which y/n's parents died it was said as a accident but it was a planned by some mafia gang which were there enemy's . Yes y/n's parents were also mafia's . But unfortunately their enemy's died in a car crash

And as a revenge she came to the college to kill their son who is non other than Bok-hyuke . But she and blackpink didn't kill him yet because they found out that he work's under one of their enemy's . That's why blackpink let bok-hyuke get close to y/n and later bring him to a abandoned building and torture him and take out the information and lastly kill him

But y/n was already on another mission which is to take out Bts's information so she gave this work to blackpink

Han-suk's biggest enemy is Bts . And he gave y/n a mission to make them obsessed with her and later take out all their information and give it to Han-suk

The manager of the club where y/n not really work's is actually y/n's brother Choi Seojun . She met him when she went to han-suk's cabin to give him the information that txt , itzy and Bts are friends and by her help they can kill itzy and txt using Bts . Txt and itzy are another biggest enemy's of han-suk  . Her brother was already there and she met him

Her brother said that when their parents died he went to get mafia training by han-suk to take over their parents mafia buisness . Seojun was 17 when their parents died . After knowing that y/n is going on a mission of taking out Bts information he buyed the club they usually go to and helped her

End of Confussion


How did you liked the plot twist guys .

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