-Chapter I-

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present time:


Evelyn had just finished bandaging up her last patient for the day sending him a smile before he exited the rickety med hut. It was a fairly busy day being that the fools who refer to themselves as Slicers, chopped their hands open after messing around with a machete.

Not the brightest bunch.

She wiped her hands with a towel before cleaning up the empty hut. Clint and Jeff were gone to help set up the bonfire for the new Greenie, leaving the girl to manage four of the wounded boys by herself. Luckily she somehow grew her skill quite quickly and was rarely ever bothered by the bloody sights of the Slicers.

She cleaned up at a fairly slow pace, taking her time and not rushing to get out there. She's had her fair share of meet and greets with new Greenies and she couldn't stand to see if it was another boy who wasn't yet a teenager like lasts months victim.

It was now dark as she heard cheering from outside, a smile spreading across her face at the sound. With a sigh she walks out of the hut and towards the orange flame of the bonfire where everybody else was dancing and laughing and joking.

She approached Minho with a smile on her face as his back was turned, giving her the perfect opportunity to sneak up on him.

"Tell me where you keep the hair gel!" Evelyn jumped on his back and ruffled her hand through his hair. He was taken aback at the sudden weight, stumbling slightly but luckily was able to catch himself and the girl.

"I'd rather die!" He said unwrapping her arms from his neck and dropping her to the ground with a thud and a shriek escaping her lips. Though Evelyn gets thrown off his back all the time and you'd think she'd learn her lesson, she still did it quite frequently.

"Okay, help me." She said reaching her hands out for Minho to help her. He lifted her to her feet quickly before passing her a drink that another glader had held for the two.

"Where's the man of the hour?" Evelyn asked scanning the crowd of boys for a new face but couldn't sight one.

"Right over there." Minho pointed to a log away from the group and there sat a boy with dark hair facing the maze.

"I'll be right back." She stated, handing him her drink that she half finished before starting her way over to the boy against the log.

"Be nice." He called after her.

"You know Minho, maybe you should take some of your own advise sometime." She remarked, turning back around.

Evelyn hopped over the log and sat next to him leaving a bit of space between as to not make him jump or feel uncomfortable. He turned his head as he saw the figure sit beside him out of the corner of his eye, looking confused as ever.

"How's your first day going?" The girl questioned as she brought her knees up to her chest, eyes staring at the side of his head as he had let it hang down not knowing what to say. His mind was full of so many questions.

"Um...okay." He said quietly shrugging his shoulders.

"Hope they haven't been too hard on you. Most boys are scared shitless because of the intimidating meet and greet Gally insists on." She snickered causing the boy beside her to let out the smallest of laughs as well.

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