The lion the witch and eddie part 3

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As they reached the castle they found it guarded by large bats. But these weren't normal bats, they were like.. from a different dimension.
As they approached the building, one of the bats flew down and grabbed el. As it attempt to attack her Steve panicked and ran to her.
"El!" El was the youngest of the group and Steve would give his life to keep her safe. He grabbed the bat and by completely overtook with adrenaline he ripped it's wings off its body and threw it to the other bats.
Eddie was astonished at his new sight of Steve, and felt the warm feeling again.
   They all ran threw the swarm of bats into the castle but eddie was attacked.
    The siblings had made it threw but Steve had to run back to get Eddie. He didn't know why but the thought of losing him was devastating, a boy he met not only a few hours ago.
   Eddie screamed in pain of the bats clawing at his skin.
As Steve was also being dragged down by them they heard a loud raw from the woods.
   "Is that a fucking lion?!" Dustin yelled.
It ripped a part each bat saving both Steve and Eddie.
   Before they could say anything it ran back, and they went to find Mike.
They saw him chained up to the wall. Cold and scared. He had marks from where the queen (queen vecnussy haha I'm so funny) had beaten him for more information on the outside world.
  "Mike!" They all ran to him and freed him from the chains.
They all hugged and sighed from relief before seeing the queen approach them.
"We'll, we'll... this must be your family"
She said with a menacing smile,
"You all would make a lovely addition to my statues.
They all looked around them to find dozens of stone fugues. They had frightened faces.. as if they were scared, and cold. It was so cold.
Her voice was so calming. Before they new it their fingers were stiffening and turning grey. Their hearts were becoming cold.
They were becoming like the was like their minds belonged to her.
She walked up to the group and stood in front of Steve. She lowered herself to his level and cupped his freezing face.
"You will be the prettiest addition"
"No!" Eddie lunged at her bringing her to the floor.
As they fought he finally grabbed her throat and bit. Her screams got quieter and quieter. Until there was no more.
She was just as pale as the snow that she layer upon. She was dead cold.
As he let go of her and stood up he saw the horrified faces of the others. They were no longer freezing up but not scared of him.
"I'm sorry" eddie said before running out the building and into the wood.
"Guys wait here" Steve ran after him as the others just stayed silent in disbelief.
Steve looked through the trees and saw nothing. He though eddie was gone until he heard the soft cries behind him.
    He saw eddie sat by a tree with his head in his hands and his knees brought up to his face.
Eddie looked up to the blonde.
"Why are you here? Don't I scare you?"
"What? I mean.. a little. But in a good way"
Eddie stopped crying. Steve sat infringe of the boy and rested his hand on eddies cheek.
"Listen, you're one of us now. You're a part of the family"
Eddie a chest was the warmest it had ever been, his heart beat faster than ever and spine tingle to every stroke of Steve's thumb on his skin.
He lunged forward and pressed his lips to Steve's. After a second he pulled away.
He saw Steve was confused.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You can leave if you want. Maybe I'll leav..."
Steve interrupted eddies scrambling by grabbing his face and kissing him again.
"Don't be sorry, I like it"
They both smiled before standing up.
    As they walked back to the others Steve took eddies hand in his and kissed his knuckles.

*skip to few weeks later*
"1. 2. 3. 4."
"Quick quick! We need to hide"
Eddie was counting and everyone else had to hide.
El finally found a place in a box outside one of the rooms.
Eddie uncovered his eyes and ran looking for people.
"Is anyone in the bathroom? No. Is anyone under this bed? No. Is anyone in this wardrobe? Aha!"
He opened the door and found Steve behind a bunch of clothes.
Before he could say 'found ya!' Steve pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him.
     They kissed for a hot minute before eddie pulled away.
"Stevie I've got to find the others"
" they'll still be hiding in 5 minutes"
He pulled him back in and they started making out in the wardrobe.
   Eventually, will got bored and went looking for Eddie.
"Eddie? Where are you?"
He heard someone in the wardrobe and opened but just saw Steve and Eddie.
"Ugh guys get a room"
"We did we got a wardrobe"
"Come on we have to find the others"

They spent the rest of the day playing games and spending time together.
   Eddie finally had a home.

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